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Bologna around the World – A Comparative Point of View

The BTC’s Annual International Conference

Together with The CSEPS, KAS will host The annual Bologna Training Center Conference. This year, the conference will provide a unique comparative perspective on how the Bologna process is implemented around the world, outside and inside Europe.

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It has been almost eight-teen years since the first European countries signed the Bologna declaration in June 1999. Since then, fifty European and non-European countries joined the process that designed to ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher education qualifications. A lot has changed during both the EHEA (European Higher Education Area) and the bologna process growth and development. The Bologna Training Center (BTC) was established in 2012 at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, as a direct and important result of TEMPUS-CORINTHIAM Project, which aimed to implement internationalization reforms in the Israeli higher education system. The Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung sees the Bologna Training Center and the higher education system as a tool that can be used to strengthen Israeli-European ties and serve as a mean to highlight the common beliefs and values.

Hosting this conference in Israel is an academic statement. Primarily, positioning Israel and the Ben-Gurion University at the center of the rising field of research of European Higher Education and the Bologna process. Additionally, Israel is now the leading, non-Bologna member country, in implementing Bologna guidelines. Thus, this conference has the potential of being the turning point in higher education policy in Israel.

The goal of the conference is first to serve as a platform for discussions on the status of the Bologna process between representatives of leading academic institutions from different countries. The international speakers, which are arriving to Israel from around the world are coming in order to learn from the experience and the success of The Bologna Training Center at the Ben-Gurion University, so that they could implement and establish a similar center in their institutions. In addition, we will further discuss the future of the Bologna process in Israel and understand its implications on the Israeli higher education system from both a pedagogic and a political point of view.

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ZOA House, Tel-Aviv Yafo


Bologna around the World – A Comparative Point of View: The Bologna Training Center Annual International Conference
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Stanislav Linchevsky


Policy Advisor +32 2 66931-56 +32 2 66931-62
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The Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev