23 May 2011
Auditorium, Konrad Adenauer Conference Center, Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem
From 16:15: Registration and reception
16:45-17:00: Greetings
17:00-19:00: Facing New Challenges: Is it all about the economy?
Chairman: Prof. David Newman, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, BGU
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Amy Verdun, Chair –Co Editor of the Journal of Common Market studies, The Department of Political Science, University of Victoria, Canada
Speaker: Prof. Kurt Huebner, Director – The Institute for European Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada
Discussant: Prof. Alfred Tovias, Chair – Department of International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
24 May 2011
Djanogly Hall, Konrad Adenauer Conference Center, Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem
10:00-11:30: The Middle East Conflict and International Intervention
Speaker: Dr. Shlomo Shpiro, Department of Political Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Prof. Michael Schulz, School of Global Studies, Peace and Development Research, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Dr. Raffaella A. Del Sarto, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies/Middle East Centre, St. Antony's College, UK
11:30-11:45: Coffee Break
11:45-13:15: Asia Rising
Prof. Martin Holland, Director – National Centre for Research on Europe, University of Canterbury New Zealand
Dr. Michael Bruter, Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Discussant: Prof.Elise Brezis, Bar Ilan University, Israel
14:30-15:30 The Transatlantic Relations in the Age of the Lisbon Treaty
Key Note Speaker: Prof. Charles Kupchan, Georgetown University, U.S.A
Discussant: Dr. Joel Peters, Virginia Tech University, USA
15:30-15:45: Coffee Break
15:45-17:00: Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq
Speaker: Dr. Claire Spencer, Head – Middle East and North Africa Programme, Chatham House, UK
17:00-17:15: Coffee Break
17:15-19:15: A Paradigm Shift for Europe’s Arab Minority? – Effects of the Arab World’s Upheaval on Europe’s Arab Population
Introduction: Dr. Laurence Weinbaum, Executive Director, Israel Council on Foreign Relations/Chief Editor The Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs
Mohammed Ibrahim, German Development Agency (Berlin) and active member of the Palestinian community in Germany
Prof. Rapfael Israeli, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and author of The Islamic Challenge in Europe
Bashar Azzeh, Entrepreneur, board member of Fatah Youth (Jerusalem) and founding member of "The March 15th Movement"
Don Macintyre, Jerusalem Correspondent, The Independent, recently returned from assignments in Egypt and Libya
Moderator: J. Samson Altman-Schevitz, Program Coordinator, ICFR Israeli-European Young Diplomats Forum