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The Jewish King of Warsaw: Szczepan Twardoch in conversation with Michal Zamir

An event forming part of the series "On Political Turmoil and Human Destiny" in cooperation with KAS Israel

"King" is the latest book by Polish author Szczepan Twardoch, a crime novel telling the story of Yakub Shapira, a Jewish gangster and professional boxer. The author takes his readers into the underworld of 1930s Warsaw and masterfully sketches the growing antisemitism in Polish society at the time. The conversation between Twardoch and journalist Michal Zamir will focus on the Jewish underworld in Poland, the author's extensive research for his book and his surprising choice of subject for this literary work. This event is part of the special "On Political Turmoil and Human Destiny" series and takes places during the Jerusalem Writers Festival.

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Djanogly Hall, Mishkenot Sha'ananim Cultural Center


  • Szczepan Twardoch
    • Michal Zamir

      Palina Kedem

      Palina Kedem

      Senior Project Manager +972 (0) 2 567 1830 +972 (0) 2 567 1831

      Asset Publisher

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