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Specialist conference

The Potential Impact of Transitional Justice in Ongoing Conflicts

Conference on transitional justice as a conflict-solving tool

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Day 1:Sunday, November 13th

Handler Auditorium, Truman Institute, Mt. Scopus Campus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

14:30-15:00 Reception

15:00-15:15Opening Remarks

Mr. Michael Mertes / Resident Representative, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Israel

Prof. Barak Medina / Dean, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Steven Kaplan / Director, Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the

Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Dr. Tomer Broude / Academic Director, Minerva Center for Human Rights,

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

15:15-17:00Session 1: Transitional Justice as Pre-Post-Conflict Justice

Chair:Prof. David Kretzmer / Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Speakers:Prof. David Gray / University of Maryland

Dynamic Stability and the Pathology of Mass Violence: A Potential Role for

Transitional Justice Mechanisms during Active Conflicts

Mr. Neil Kritz / United States Institute for Peace

The Potential and Limits of Transitional Justice Before the Transition

Prof. Ruti Teitel / New York Law School; London School of Economics

Transitional Justice and the Law of War


17:30-19:15Session 2: External Actors and Transitional Justice in Ongoing Conflicts

Chair:Prof. Moshe Hirsch / Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Speakers:Adv. Christian De Vos / PhD Researcher, Leiden University

Player or Pawn? Transitional Justice, Conflict 'Management', and the International

Criminal Court

Prof. David Kaye / UCLA

External Actors and Domestic Accountability

Dr. Iavor Rangelov / London School of Economics

Abuse of Power and Conflict Persistence in Post-Taliban Afghanistan

Day 2:Monday, November 14th

Beit Maiersdorf, Mt. Scopus Campus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

09:00-10:45Session 3: Negotiated Justice in Ongoing Conflicts

Chair:Dr. Guy Harpaz / Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Speakers:Prof. Cyanne Loyle / West Virginia University

Dr. Helga Malmin Binningsbø / Peace Research Institute, Oslo

Offers of Justice and Peace: Bargaining and Justice Processes during Conflict

Adv. Stephen Oola / Makerere University, Kampala

Prosecuting Peace: The Trial of LRA Colonel Thomas Kwoyelo and the Search

for Peace and Justice in Northern Uganda and Beyond

Prof. Andrew Reiter / Mount Holyoke College

Amnesty for Peace? Analyzing the Impact of Amnesties in Civil Wars


11:15-13:00Session 4: International Justice in Context: Impacts on Ongoing Conflicts

Chair:Dr. Yael Sternhell / Tel Aviv University

Speakers:Adv. Sigall Horovitz / PhD Candidate, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Calibrating International and National Justice Systems in Ongoing Conflicts

Mr. Philipp Kastner / D.C.L. candidate, McGill University

The ICC in bello? From Unrealistic Expectations to Process-related Commitments

Dr. Leslie Vinjamuri / University of London

Justice, Negotiation, and Force: Pragmatic Legalism in Ongoing Conflict


14:15-16:15Session 5: The International Criminal Court and Ongoing Conflicts

Chair:Dr. Yaël Ronen / Sha'arei Mishpat Law College

Speakers:Prof. Dr. Kai Ambos / Goettingen University

The Colombian Peace Process and the Complementarity Principle of the ICC

Dr. Phil Clark / University of London

The ICC in Uganda and DR Congo

Prof. David Mendeloff / Carleton University, Ottawa

War Crimes and Hollow Threats: Assessing the Coercive Logic of ICC Intervention

in Ongoing Conflicts

Adv. Yael Vias-Gvirsman / PhD Candidate, Hebrew University of Jerusalem;

Legal Assistant, International Criminal Court

Initiating the ICC’s Jurisdiction as a Political Tool: Presenting New Paradigms in

the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?


16:45-18:30Session 6: Legal Forums in Ongoing Conflicts – Other Perspectives

Chair:Adv. Danny Evron / Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Speakers:Dr. Tomer Broude / Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Trading with the Enemy: Lex Mercatoria as Pre-Transitional Justice

Dr. Pablo de Greiff / International Center for Transitional Justice (via video link)

Transitional Justice and the Possibilities of Legally Regulating Ongoing Conflicts

Dr. Kristin Doughty / University of Pennsylvania

The Potential of Local Mediation Committees: Considering Lessons from Rwanda’s

Comite y’Abunzi for Transitional Justice

Day 3:Tuesday, November 15th

Beit Maiersdorf, Mt. Scopus Campus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

09:00-10:45Session 7: Fact-Finding Mechanisms and Transitional Justice in Ongoing Conflicts

Chair:Prof. Yuval Shany / Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Speakers:Prof. Laurie Blank / Emory University

Investigations into Military Operations: What Impact on Transitional Justice?

Dr. Suhad Daher-Nashif / Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education;

Oranim Academic College of Education, Israel

Transitional Medico-Legal Experts within the Palestinian-Israeli Context

Prof. Michael Hamilton / Central European University

The Use of Force and Force of Law: Inquiries before Transition


11:15-13:00Session 8: Human Rights Dimensions of Transitional Justice in Ongoing Conflicts

Chair:Dr. Piki Ish-Shalom / Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Speakers:Prof. Aeyal Gross / Tel-Aviv University

The Madness of Forgiveness: Transitional Justice without Transition in “My Terrorist”

Prof. Fionnuala Ni Aolain / University of Minnesota; University of Ulster

Gendering the Application of Transitional Justice in Times of Active Hostilities

Dr. Ralph Wilde / University College London

Human Rights Law as a Transitional Justice Mechanism for Redress against Intervenors:



14:15-16:00Session 9: Civil Society and Transitional Justice in Ongoing Conflicts

Chair:Dr. Maya Kahanoff / Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Speakers:Dr. Hillel Cohen / Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Unofficial Truth Projects in Israel/Palestine: Methods and Dilemmas

Mr. Ron Dudai / Queens University Belfast

Non-State Actors and the Pursuit of Truth and Reparations

Prof. Kieran McEvoy / Queens University Belfast

Restorative Justice, Cultures of Violence and the Peace Process ‘From Below’

in Northern Ireland


16:30-18:30Session 10: Challenges for Transitional Justice in Israel-Palestine

Chair:Prof. Michael Karayanni / Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Speakers:Adv. Jeremie Bracka / LLM Graduate (Transitional Justice Scholar), New York University

Between Utopia and Myopia: Conceptualising an Israeli-Palestinian Truth Commission

Adv. Tamar Feldman / Director of the Legal Department, Gisha - Legal Center for

Freedom of Movement

Bereavement and Grief Overwhelm Us: The Israeli Judicial Discourse Relating to the

Occupied Territory and its Relevance to Transitional Justice Efforts

Dr. Rafi Nets-Zehngut / Postdoctoral Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Transitional Justice and Addressing the History of Active Conflicts:

The Case of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Adv. Ofer Shinar Levanon / Sapir College, Israel; PhD candidate, Hebrew University

of Jerusalem

Expanding the Horizon: Transitional Justice Roles during Active Conflicts –

Lessons from Israel

For registration, information and campus entry/parking permits:

Please contact the Minerva Center for Human Rights by Thur. Nov.10

via e-mail: or tel. 02-5881156, providing your name,

ID or passport number and vehicle license plate number.

Please note that on Nov. 13 vehicle entry will be through the Bezalel Gate.

On Nov. 14 & 15 vehicle entry will be through the Humanities Gate.

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  • Keynote Speaker Alex Boraine
    • former Vice-Chair of the South-African Truth and Reconciliation Commission and 30 leading international and local experts


      The Potential Role of Transitional Justice in Ongoing Conflicts
      Read now

      Catherine Hirschwitz

      Catherine Hirschwitz bild

      Project Manager (Women’s Projects, Human Rights, European Affairs) +972 2 567 1830 +972 2 567 1831

      Asset Publisher

      Asset Publisher


      Minerva Center for Human Rights at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem