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BTC Workshop: Towards Erasmus + : Planning and Managing International Projects

BTC-Workshop (Geschlossene Veranstaltung)

Together with the Bologna Training Center at the Center for the Study of European Politics & Society at Ben-Gurion University, KAS Israel will host a closed workshop titled: Towards Erasmus +: Planning and Managing International Projects.

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A Partner of KAS Israel, The Bologna Training Center aims to:

  • To serve as a knowledge and resource center on the Bologna Process in Israel
  • To promote an informed discussion on the Bologna Process and its implications for the Israeli Higher Education System
  • To provide assistance to Israeli academic institutions in the development of the proper structure for coordination with the European framework of higher education

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Die Internationalisierung israelischer Hochschulen: Ergebnisse eines Expertenworkshops über Planung und Management internationalen akademischen Austauschs
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Catherine Hirschwitz

Catherine Hirschwitz bild

Project Manager (Women’s Projects, Human Rights, European Affairs) +972 2 567 1830 +972 2 567 1831
International students at the campus. | picture: UNE photos/Flickr UNE photos/Flickr

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