Event reports
Together with Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research we held on Thursday a successful event marking 30 years to the first Intifada and in memory of Prof. Yaacov Bar-Siman-Tov, with whom we had a long partnership as the former head of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel studies.
Doron Gilad from KAS-Israel has open the evening with greeting words. Ora Ahimeir, the founder of the Institute, commemorated Prof. Bar-Siman-Tov. His son, Dr. Itay Bar-Siman-Tov said few words of gratitude on behalf of the family. Dr. Amnon Ramon chaired the evening.
Col. (res.) David Haham shared his knowledge and experience from the Gaza Strip during the first Intifada and focused on the rise of Hamas and its ideological foundations.
Dr. Col. (res.) Moshe Elad emphasized the unique characteristics of the first Intifada in general and specifically in the West Bank.
Prof. Hillel Cohen elaborated on the special conditions of the popular uprising in East-Jerusalem and beginning of Israeli-Palestinian cooperation for the two-state solution and peaceful agreement to the conflict.