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KAS Israel

Event reports

IMPACT Seminar, Caesaria Israel

by Susi Doring Preston
The ILF aims to foster dialogue and collaboration between the private and public sector by bringing together business leaders and members of government institutions. Together with KAS Israel, the IMPACT Seminar hosted lectures by executives from various sectors which provided input and stimulated discussions. Topics such as opportunities for eGovernment, scientific support for start-ups, personnel planning and the integration of minorities into the labor market were discussed. Through the lectures and group work of the participants, the seminar’s goal was to bridge the gap between the public and private sectors and identity opportunities for cooperation . The ILF seminar works toward four overarching goals. Firstly, in order to strengthen collaboration between the private and public sectors, bureaucratic hurdles must be removed. Moreover, the innovative thinking of start-ups should be fed into the public sector and other companies. The second target is to reduce the differences in the field of education. Increased youth work contributes to incite interest in entrepreneurship and communicating relevant values. Third, industry and commerce must again be a more attractive field of work to generate new skilled workers. Conclusions from the seminar discussed enhancing cooperation with start-ups and the establishment of a traineeship. Issues were discussed highlighting the inequality of industry between the periphery and the center, affecting Northern Israel in particular. In order to reduce disparities, a proposal of a pilot project empowering residents, local authorities, businesses and organizations in order to help improve the quality of life and work in the North was included. This also creates incentives for companies to settle there. Other challenged discussed in the Seminar included an aging society, disparities in access to health care and dwindling trust in public institutions. In terms of the the forum itself, members discussed that the heterogeneity of the members should be increased. Since the seminar, members of the forum have reconvened in competence clusters with respect to their respective fields of expertise and professional backgrounds.

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The ILF seminar works toward four overarching goals. Firstly, in order to strengthen collaboration between the private and public sectors, bureaucratic hurdles must be removed. Moreover, the innovative thinking of start-ups should be fed into the public sector and other companies. The second target is to reduce the differences in the field of education. Increased youth work contributes to incite interest in entrepreneurship and communicating relevant values. Third, industry and commerce must again be a more attractive field of work to generate new skilled workers.

Conclusions from the seminar discussed enhancing cooperation with start-ups and the establishment of a traineeship. Issues were discussed highlighting the inequality of industry between the periphery and the center, affecting Northern Israel in particular. In order to reduce disparities, a proposal of a pilot project empowering residents, local authorities, businesses and organizations in order to help improve the quality of life and work in the North was included. This also creates incentives for companies to settle there.

Other challenged discussed in the Seminar included an aging society, disparities in access to health care and dwindling trust in public institutions. In terms of the the forum itself, members discussed that the heterogeneity of the members should be increased. Since the seminar, members of the forum have reconvened in competence clusters with respect to their respective fields of expertise and professional backgrounds.

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Susi Doring Preston


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