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Jordan and the Challenge of Climate Change - A Report from COP26

Report by Hala Al-Hamawi

KAS Jordan Office is very proud that after participating in one of our Programs “Jordan-EU Dialogue on Human Security Issues” in cooperation with WANA, Ms. Hala Al-Hamawi attended the Global Climate Summit #cop26glasgow, which just ended in Glasgow representing young Jordanians.

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Ms. Hala Al-Hamawi wrote the first report from the Jordan-Delegation that attended the summit as well as the side event on “Effective Communication with youth in the Arab World about Climate Justice”. We at the KAS Jordan Office very much believe in the importance of integrating young people into all policies, as they will play a major role in implementing any future climate actions.

The environmental activist Hala Al-Hamawi expresses her optimism about the speeches presented by world leaders that included many pledges and environmental initiatives, which for developing countries, such as Jordan, which are mostly affected by the harmful effects of climate change, are very important steps.

In her opinion, "it is difficult at this early stage of the climate summit to determine whether the outcomes will be within the aspirations of Arab youth or not, but the formulation of laws and commitment to them in the coming stages will be the main detail for that."

We look forward to the outcomes and hope for a better environmental future for Jordan and the whole world. 

The report of the COP26 by Ms. Hala Al-Hamawi can be viewed and downloaded on the right side of the page. 

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Hutuf Mansour


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