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Survey: The State of Political Participation and Representation in Jordan 2022

Done in cooperation with NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions

The survey engages with the respondents on their views on the issues facing Jordan today.

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In cooperation with the KAS Jordan Office, NAMA Strategic Intelligence Solutions conducted a survey exploring Jordanians’ perceptions in relation to political participation. The survey comprises the following objectives:

1. Recognize the awareness of the Jordanians on the new political reforms.

2. Identify the perception of Jordanians on political participation

3. Examine the level of political participation among university students in comparison to the national sample along with the extent to which recent reforms impact overall political dynamics in universities. 

To view and download the full report in English and Arabic click on the right side of the page.

A policy paper was issued by KAS and NAMA based on the results and empirical evidence gathered from the abovementioned survey. The paper contains recommendations to public institutions, as well as political parties, on how to ensure more participation and representation in the political sphere in Jordan.

The paper can also be viewed and downloaded in Arabic and English on the right side of the page.

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Hutuf Mansour


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