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Youth Academy IV: Discussing Notions of Citizenship and Tolerance

The fourth training session of the Youth Academy will take place on the 21st & 22nd of Sep. 2018 in the Hilton Dead Sea Hotel in Cooperation with the Jordanian Center for Civic Education, entitled “discussing Notions of Citizenship and tolerance.”

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The workshop aims at strengthening notions of citizenship and the different conceptions amongst political party and civil society youth. Therefore the discussions will focus on:

- Important elements of effective citizenship at the level of the individual, the political system and the role of policies in the society.

-The importance of the social contract and the foundations that promote citizenship which incubates diversity.

- Analysing the reasons why young people lack participation in public life and finding solutions to this.

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Dead Sea, Jordan


Dr. Annette Ranko



Hala Abu Ghazaleh

Hala Abu Ghazaleh

Project Manager +962 6 5929777 ext.: 204

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