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Preventing Radicalization through education

The conference will have simultaneous translation Arabic-English.

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Preventing Radicalization through Education (1)

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s Jordan Office, in cooperation with its partner, the Jordanian Centre for Civic Education (JCCE), is organizing a two-day conference on “Preventing Radicalization Through Education - A Regional Perspective.” The conference will take place on Saturday the 27th and Sunday the 28th of November 2021 in Amman.

Over the past decade, policymakers and practitioners have increasingly focused on the need to engage citizens who had been previously excluded from community and political activities, particularly youth and women. Jordan’s recently appointed Royal Committee to Modernize the Political System focused on the rights of Jordanians to practice civic engagement, and on women and youth political participation, thus involving Jordanians in the decision-making process and political party rights. 

This conference hopes to shed light on civic participation, the role of religions in promoting peace and dialogue, and women and youth empowerment in all fields. Experts attending the conference will include politicians, party members, educators and youth activists from the region who will share their knowledge, points of view and experiences with decision-makers. KAS and JCCE are delighted to welcome panelists from Jordan, Tunisia, Palestine, Egypt and Europe. The aim is to deepen the knowledge of active citizenship among Arab communities, and especially in Jordan, in light of the recommendations of the Royal Committee to Modernize the Political System. 

Attendance is by invitation only.

If interested please contact Ms. Mona Deeb.

*You can find the program of the workshop on the right side of the page.

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Mona Deeb

Mona Deeb

Project Manager +962 6 5929777 ext.: 200

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Jordanian Center for Civic Education Studies