The form and the role of media have changed dramatically in the last decade. In Jordan and all over the world, traditional media in the form of print media, radio, and television has lost influence and visibility, while social media such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram has become ever more important in forming people’s opinions, especially of the youth. While the new media landscape has far increased the reach and diversity of available information in Jordan, it also brings with it new rules of conduct. For everyone, but especially for young journalists, it can be challenging to navigate this new media world in an ethical way. While rules of conduct might have been clear in traditional media, what is or isn’t allowed or proper on Facebook or Twitter is often controversial, especially considering the way in which these platforms have been used by politicians. Thus, in order to develop ethical guidelines for how to use social media in a meaningful and professional way, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organising a workshop for young journalists in this Saturday in Balqa.