Young Jordanian Citizens Create their Ideal Representatives for Municipal and Legislative Elections - Foundation Office Jordan
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Event reports
Young Jordanian Citizens Create their Ideal Representatives for Municipal and Legislative Elections
The main objective of the Fourth North Forum, organized by the National Forum for Youth and Culture in cooperation with the Civil Society Development Centre and Konrad Adenauer Foundation and held at Jordan University of Science and Technology during the period 01 – 03/03/2007, was to enhance the effective participation of the Jordanianyouth as citizens, voters and candidates in the municipal and parliamentary elections. In addition the Youth Forum aimed at identifying characteristics of an ideal candidate youth would vote for, and to identify youth priorities for any candidate to represent youth interests. This 4th Youth Forum in the North was implemented by NFYC following up on previous work, such as the 3rd forum where young Jordanians discussed the elections and political parties' laws. The 4th North Forum included training on advocacy, and ideas for media campaigns that would enhance the youth's awareness on elections and encourage them to actively participate.