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Digital Insights

Future of Work

Digital Insights Issue 04/2021

The world of work is changing at a rapid pace. Innovations in technology are becoming more widespread and are increasingly finding their way into the most diverse areas of work. The increasing use of Artificial Intelligence will greatly change the future of work. New technologies and digitalization have an impact on the way we work and how we organize our work. This latest volume of Digital Insights will bring the discussion on how digitalization transforms the ways of work and how the future of work looks like.

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What will the future of work look like? How will leadership and management change? Will we all be more innovative and creative? How do you see yourself working, and what matters to you?

The answers to these questions and many more are brought to us in the latest Digital Insights publication. At its center, besides many disruptive trends, was also the aspect of Covid19. The new issue of Digital Insights is a collaborative project between EuroCham Cambodia and the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Cambodia (KAS). EuroCham and KAS bring together a diverse group of authors, academics, and practitioners, to view the future of work from different perspectives in a constructive manner. Our distinguished authors enlighten us with groundbreaking insights into the impact of disruptive technological innovations that are shaping the future of work, specifically within the Cambodian context.

The world of work is changing at a rapid pace. Innovations in technology are becoming more widespread and are increasingly finding their way into the most diverse areas of work. The increasing use of Artificial Intelligence will greatly change the future of work. New technologies and digitalization have an impact on the way we work and how we organize our work. Questions around big data and cybersecurity challenges concern not only organizations but also policymakers. These developments are of course also related to the workforce in general. 

Many of the articles in this edition focus on how Cambodian businesses and their employees can most effectively take advantage of the opportunities presented by digitalization, and how they can meet the challenges that go hand in hand with these opportunities. Some professions will disappear, new professions will emerge, and immense opportunities will be offered to young people who are performance-oriented, flexible and tech-savvy. The framework for work, such as corporate culture and leadership style, will also have to adapt if companies and organizations want to be successful in the competition for the talents of the future.

The technological changes mentioned above will continue to disrupt the structure of the economy. We can get an idea of what lies ahead by examining the development of E-commerce since the millennium. As Yang et. al. have shown in chapter 12, the E-commerce sector offers an opportunity for Cambodians in particular to generate economic growth. This development should be promoted through a targeted strategy to increase ICT literacy. There are also great potentials in other areas, which will have immense positive effects through the use of disruptive technologies. Chum et. al. vividly demonstrates how an AI-based mobile app will help Cambodian farmers manage their business more effectively and efficiently (chapter 11). 

The transformation process ahead can only have a positive impact in a holistic sense if it is supported by effective governance measures. Especially for Cambodia, support for the development of human capital is of particular importance in this context. Fidero et. al. explain in chapter 19 how SMEs in Cambodia can be specifically promoted by providing targeted support for the development of human capital. In light of the threat of cyber threats, Ou et. al. emphasized programmes to raise awareness of these (chapter 8). A broad approach is provided by Hildebrandt et. al., using the examples of other Asian countries such as Japan or Singapore. In chapter 3, they illustrate how Cambodia can develop into a learning society through targeted policy deployment. 

Actors at all levels are needed to shape the future of work in a pro-human way. In the coming years, not only will jobs be created in sectors that we cannot yet imagine, but also completely new forms of organizational teamwork across national, cultural and age boundaries will emerge. These developments require a great deal of flexibility on the part of organizations and individuals. Only if we embrace change together can we shape the future of work for the benefit of all. One major issue will be knowledge and skill development, which runs as a common thread through all chapters. In particular, Ra et. al.’s excellent article in chapter 1 impressively links the new demands on leadership in the context of corporate culture with the increasing need for continuous skills development. In order to meet the challenge of the continuous development of human capital, i.e. skills, not only individuals but also organisations and of course policy makers are needed to create a learning ecosystem. 

With the new edition of Digital Insights, we want to play a decisive role in shaping this process. We thank our contributors who have provided us with both insightful academic studies and more direct explorations of how to make the future of work the best it can be. The articles gathered here cover a wide range of topics, from technological change, organizational culture and the psychology of the future of work. A special focus of this issue of Digital Insights is, of course, what the future of work holds for Cambodia and Cambodians. What path will Cambodian companies take in light of the challenges described above? How will leadership styles change? What challenges does the Kingdom’s government face? With this book, we hope to contribute to the discussion around these questions. Let’s shape the future successfully together!

Enjoy reading!

Thomas Hesketh and Robert Hör



Sector 1: Workplace

Leadership - Cambodia Needs Leaders “Being Coaches” Not “Doing Coaching”

RA Joey and CHEA Sovannady


Wellbeing Hacks for the Workplace

HÖR Robert


The Shortening Half-life of Human Capital or How to Build a Learning Ecosystem



The Future of Work is Based on Innovation, How Can Organizations Promote It?

HUM Sophoanvotey and HESKETH Thomas


Using Communication and Collaboration (CAC) Technologies Professionally and Preventing Conflicts

HÖR Robert


Business Values and Digitalization in Cambodia 4.0 

CORRADO Riccardo, KHAT Sereyvuth, and CORRADO Enrico


Mental Well-being Interventions in the Future Cambodian Workplace

DOUNG Sovanratana and SOVANN Pichpisey


Sector 2: Industry Disruption 

Cyber Threats During Covid-19 Pandemic: The Risk at Your Fingertip

OU Phannarith and CHEA Vatana


Beyond Conventional Business: Applications of Blockchain in Cambodia’s World of Travel

CHEY Nalin and BORA Bormeysophoan


Startup and Performance Success Factors. The Implementation Competence as a Psychological Factor Influencing the Founding Success of Start-Ups

HÖR Robert


i-Farmers@Cambodia. Digital innovation for Farmers in Cambodia

CHUM Pharino, CHEA Vatana, CHHAY Vouch-Im and HOSSAIN M. Alamgir


The Growing E-commerce Sector: Future Jobs and Opportunities

YANG Maria


Cambodia’s Higher Education: Educating the Next Generation for the Age of Artificial Intelligence



Section 03: Labour Market


General Trends: Future of Work in Cambodia Post Pandemic

ANDERSON Ediri, HO Varaboth and LONG Phalin


The Future of Work, Technology and the Social Market Economy in Cambodia



COVID–19, Digital Transformation, and Skills Gap among the Cambodian Young Labor Force

DASH Tapas, YEM Bunthorn and AN Sita


Establishing a Merit Based System to Combat Digital Corruption

RIM Sokvy


Section 04: Governance

Shaping Collaboration between Public and Private Sectors for the Future of Work

DAN Dara


The Future of Work In Cambodia: Potential of Emerging Digital Technology for SMEs

KUOK Fidero and CHHEM Siriwat


Governance and Policies Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Cambodia

CHUM Pharino, BLIZZARD Theodore J, LONG Pakrigna, KHIENG Sothy and CHHEM Rethy


ABC4Industry4.0: A Collaborative Framework for the Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Cybersecurity (ABC) Skills for the Industry 4.0

CHHEM Siriwat William, CHEA Vatana, KHIENG Sothy and HOSSAIN M. Alamgir

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Oudom Oum


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About this series

Digital Insights is the flagship publication concerning digital transformation topics of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Cambodia. The publication is published once-a-year and brings together experts, practitioners and academics from various walks of life. The vision of the project is to support research and build bridges to the application in order to create a pro human digital future.

Order details


Thomas Hesketh and Robert Hör


KAS Cambodia



Robert Hör

Asset Publisher