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Country reports

Social Issues in Cambodia

by Dr. Chandarith Neak, Mr. Chansok Lak

Policy Brief | Issue 01

In this volume, thirdteen articles have been highlighted in four areas ranging from 1) Phnom Penh City, 2) Economy and Digitalization, 3) Disaster Risk and Waste Management, and 4) Sustainable Development Goals in Cambodia.

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Following the conclusion of the AYSE, KAS and IISPP has continued to work with the 14 young scholars of the program’s first cohort. The first Volume  of “Policy Brief: Social Issues in Cambodia” is an outstanding result from the immense efforts of our young scholars and editorial team within the past months. 

In this volume, thirdteen articles have been highlighted in four areas ranging from 1) Phnom Penh City, 2) Economy and Digitalization, 3) Disaster Risk and Waste Management, and 4) Sustainable Development Goals in Cambodia. After undergoing the intensive training, research, and various consultations, these articles offer insights to selected critical social issues in Cambodia in an attempt to provide feasible policy recommendations.

We hope that you will find insights in your reading of this policy brief. We would also like to express our sincere appreciation to everyone who made this publication a successful project. Especially to our young and enthusiastic young scholars, the editorial team of KAS Cambodia and IISPP. The most special appreciation is extended to Mr. Lak Chansok and Mr. Soth Chhayheng for their leadership in spearheading this project. Our sincere thanks also to Dy Sereyvoleak and Song Lauren for her assistance. 

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