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Cambodian Constitutional Law

by Denis Schrey

Published by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Cambodia

The book "Cambodian Constitutional Law", published by KAS Cambodia, covers 28 fundamental aspects of constitutional law, which have been analysed by renowned experts.

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The Cambodian Constitution is of significant importance and relevance for all Cambodian citizens, as it covers varying aspects of their lives. It is due to the Constitution’s high importance that Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Cambodia, in cooperation with the editors of this book, decided to write this introduction on the 1993 Constitution of the Kingdom and thus, to create a comprehensive source of information on Cambodian constitutional law.

The book provides an overview of the Constitution as well as comparisons and analyses. It aims at giving basic and helpful information to the reader and at encouraging further academic discussion of Cambodian law.

Currently, the number of available English publications on the Cambodian Constitution is very limited. Therefore, this handbook could serve as a useful guide into the different areas covered by the Constitution, not only for foreign readers, but also for Cambodians, especially for those who study law. We in particular hope for these Cambodian scholars to find motivation in this book to academically engage with legal questions and contribute with their articles towards the analysis and evaluation of Cambodian Constitutional Law. Its comprehensive coverage will be a unique contribution to the academic field of international analysis and research on Cambodia´s Constitution.

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Jason Chumtong

Jason Chumtong

Country Director KAS Cambodia +855 87 880 898


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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.




Cambodia Cambodia