Kampot Province is located on the south-west coast of Cambodia. It is almost 5,000km2 and comprises of 7 districts and 1 municipality (Kampot City). To-gether the 7 districts are made of 88 communes while Krong Kampot (the city) further constitutes of 5 sangkats (totalling 93).The last population census in 2008 found that Kampot Province supported nearly 600,000 people, while Kampot Municipality had a population of approximately 40,000. 86% of the population in the Province are employed in the primary sec-tor, 3% in the secondary sector and 11% in the tertiary sector. In the Municipal-ity; 30% are employed in the primary sector, 14% in the secondary and 56% in the tertiary sector (Census, 2008). The main resources at the municipal level include tourism, coastal development and some industrial activity.
Kampot City is well-known for its recent achievements in striving towards a sus-tainable and green city. It has been the chosen location for several ambitious pilot projects centring on recycling, composting, source waste management and awareness-raising of best environmental practice.
However, there is an apparent lack of clear roles and responsibilities with regard to the management of solid waste between the provincial, municipal, district and sangkat/commune administrations. Furthermore, the coverage of waste collec-tion is lacking; informal roadside open dumpsites and illegal dumping into rivers are both a prevailing norm, as is ‘informal’ waste collection. 70% of all solid waste generated in Kampot Province is from households, and 60% of that is composed of organic materials. Prior to 2012, 36% of the total household waste in Kampot Municipality was collected by the contracted service provider (GAEA). This was reported to have increased to 59% as a result of the DELGOSEA Pilot Project which ended in May 2012.
In this era of rapid development and vastly increasing tourism; managing waste is a key challenge and of utmost importance alongside other issues such as sani-tation, water quality, air quality, soil pollution etc. Crucial concerns which will be addressed in this workshop on decentralising solid waste management in Kam-pot include legislative, contractual, technical and financial aspects.
In the framework of the ongoing decentralisation and deconcentration policy of the Royal government of Cambodia waste management is one of the key areas where roles and responsibilities between administrative tears of government re-garding the management and finance of waste need to be further fine-tuned. This workshop aims, based of the analysis of the status quo and international pracices to develop a scenario and recommendations of how to best allocate re-sources (financial, technical, human resources) to improve waste management collection services and finance within Kampot Province.
Objectives of the Workshop
Sensitisation of city administration and competent authorities concerning structure and functionality of solid waste management – under the aspects of health / hygiene, environmental protection, resource management, possible facilities, regulations, knowledge and experiences as well as financing – and identification of gaps and opportunities of Kampot’s solid waste management by;
Explanation of development background and status quo of western solid waste management – components and functionality from a western per-spective at the example of Germany
Presentation and discussion about status quo of provincial/municipal solid waste management in Kampot
Discussion about 2 main pillars:
i) legislation/regulation and clearly de-fined roles and responsibilities of different tiers of local governments and the service provider (Focus):
ii) financing and contractual arrangements be-tween the provincial authorities and the service provider