Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Cambodia together with Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum with approval from Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts will conduct a one-week workshop on Youth and Peacebuilding from the 16th through 22nd of September, 2019.Creative learning and mentoring experiences will be provided at the workshop including classroom presentation and debates, story-writing and performances, introduction to conflict resolutions and conflict management role-plays, drawing peace art-works, poems, remarkable historical site-visits, and much more! The commencement of one-week workshop will be followed by awarding certificate of completion.
The purpose of this workshop is to support the dialogues between Cambodian youth and experts of this field to bring about precise understanding particularly in this historical and peace studies which will eventually create positive changes in Cambodian citizenship as well as positive peace in Cambodia.
16/09/2019 Day 1: Opening Workshop and First Day Theme
8:00-9:00 Opening
Remarks from Dr. Daniel Schmuecking, Country Director of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Cambodia
Remarks from Mr. Chhay Visoth, Director of Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum
9:00-9:15 Refreshment
9:15-10:15 Topic: “Khmer Rouge History”
- Who were the Khmer Rouge?
- How did the KR come to power?
- Situation during KR
- The fall of KR
The participants will:
- Understand the cause of KR regime
- Learn about the tragedy under the KR regime
- Be exposed to the impact of war
- Be educated to be more aware of war happening again
Speaker: Mr. Hang Nisay
10:15-11:15 Topic: Definition of “Genocide”
- What are the acts which notify as Genocide?
- The cause lead to genocide
- Genocide in some countries
The participants will:
- Understand about the root cause of Genocide.
- Know the different of Genocide in other countries.
Speaker: Ms. Theresa Delangis
11:20 Departure for Cheung Ek Killing Field
Group Lunch
Afternoon Session
1:30-2:30 Site visit Cheung Ek Killing Field with audio tour
The participants will learn:
- About the mass killings during the KR
- Be encouraged to visit the Killing Fields and share their knowledge with friends
Cooperate with Killing field and Narrow Caster Company
2:30-3:15 Leaving for Tuol Sleng museum
3:15-3:30 Refreshment
3:30-4:30 Site visit Tuol Sleng Museum with audio tour
The participants will:
- Understand the detention system under KR regime
- Comprehend the violation of human rights
- Be encouraged to feel sympathy
Cooperate with Narrow Caster Company
4:30-5:00 Debate: If Khmer Rouge regime could be judge as the Genocide?
The participants will:
- Learn how to share their knowledge with others
- Be encourage to research and discuss
17/09/2019 Day 2: Seeking for the justice
8:00-9:00 Topic: “The role of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia in seeking justice for Cambodians.”
- Case 001 (Duch) and compensation for Cambodians
- Case 002
The participants will:
- To acknowledge that all the main leaders on execution have to responsible on their criminal
- To acknowledge the role of ECCC in healing for the victims
Speaker: H.E Neth Peaktra
9:00-9:15 Refreshment
9:15-10:15 Topic: “The People Republic Trial”
- What is PRT?
- The process of PRT
- The purpose of PRT establish
The participants will:
- To acknowledge the KR leader judgment on the early 1980s
- The tribunal system which was created by Cambodia government on the early 1980s
Speaker: H.E Helen Javis
10:15-11:00 Site visit the 40year: Remembering the victims of S-21.
The participants will:
- Make reflection after their visited
Afternoon Session
1:30-2:30 Topic: “The Government’s policy in peace building”
- The duty of all citizens in peace building
- The cause of peace in society
The topic will educate the participants to acknowledge the duty of all citizens to build peace in the society.
Speaker: Professor. Diep Sophal
2:30-3:30 Topic: “TPO in mental healing for KR victims”
- What is TPO?
- The work of TPO?
- What is the mental healing for the victims?
The participants will understand:
- The mental problem of the victims
- The affective scope of mental problem
- The treatment which TPO used to help the victims
- The importance of mental healing
Speaker: Dr. Chhim Sotheara
3:30-3:45 Refreshment
3:45-5:00 Performance on “Mental affective on the victims of Khmer Rouge regime”
Through the performance, the participants will share the experience of their relatives or neighbor who has the mental problem by KR.
18/09/2019 Day 3: Role of Religion in Social Reconciliation
- Research on documentary film (Homework)
- Research on victims’ biography
This task will encourage the participants to have the hobby of researching, share the idea and researching data.
9:00-9:15 Refreshment
9:15-10:15 Topic: “The role of Muslim religion in youth education”
- Muslim advice on mental healing
- Muslim advice on the education of peace and tolerance
- Muslim advice on conflict resolution
The participants could gain more knowledge from the advice of variety religion to use in their daily living.
Speaker: Mr. Leb Ker
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:30 Topic: “The role of Christian religion in youth education”
- Christian advice on mental healing
- Christian advice on the education of peace and tolerance
- Christian advice on conflict resolution
The participants could gain more knowledge from the advice of variety religion to use in their daily living.
Speaker: Mr. Doung Savong
1:30-2:30 Topic: “The role of Buddhism religion in youth education”
- Buddhist advice on mental healing
- Buddhist advice on the education of peace and tolerance
- Buddhist advice on conflict resolution
The participants could gain more knowledge from the advice of variety religion to use in their daily living. Monk: Sok buntheoun
2:30-2:45 Refreshment
Afternoon Session
2:45-3:45 Artwork
Through the artwork, the participants will share:
- Understanding the consequence of each religion for mental healing
- Intent to practice the religion’s advice
- How to integrate the religious through the artwork for peace building.
3:45-4:45 Presentation on the artwork
Each team will be presenting their artwork to the other team and sharing their comment.
19/09/2019 Day 4: Conflict Resolution
8:00-9:00 Topic: “The foundation of Conflict”
- The definition of conflict
- Cause of conflict The participants will:
- Acknowledge the impact of conflict
- Encourage them to avoid the conflict and solve the problem in peaceful way
Speaker: Mr. Meas savath
9:00-9:15 Refreshment
9:15-10:15 Performance
“Impact of Conflict” It is created in order to push the participants to try dealing the problem in the family. As it is the foundation acknowledge dealing in the society.
The trainer will give comment on performance in the next session.
10:15-11:15 Topic: “Conflict Resolution”
- Type of conflict
- Methods of avoiding conflict
- Negotiation and reconcile
- Methods for peacefully resolving disputes
The participants will acknowledge the way to deal the different type of conflict.
Speaker: Mr. Meas Sovath
Afternoon Session
2:00-3:00 Topic: “Depression”
- What is depression?
- The cause of depression
- The way to cure depression
The participants will acknowledge:
- The symptom of people with depression
- The way to protect and help people from depression
- How to deal and share with the other
Speaker: Ms. Yim Sotheary
3:00-3:15 Refreshment
3:15-4:15 Topic: “Mental Health”
- The cause of sorrow
- How to control the feeling and reconcile?
- How to control the anger? The participants will acknowledge:
- The mental problem in current society
- The way to deal with above problem
- How to lead yourself in peace
Speaker: Monk. Hak Seang hai
4:15-5:00 Instruction on the field trip to Kompong Speu
20-21/09/2019 Day 5 and 6: Site Visit at the Memorial Sites
6:00 Departure
Site visit at 3 memorial sites:
- Anlung Chrei dam (Former labor force field)
- Former security prison M-13
- Waller fall The participants can clearly understand the history of massacres and forced labor levels in the Khmer Rouge regime.
- Konsengsom pagoda (Former Killing filed)
- Oral history by Mr. Chum Churn, KR victim
- Interview KR’s victims and Charity.
The participants will have the chance to create the society event by planning the tree and awareness about the education system in Anlung Chrei high school.
2:30 Departure for Phnom Penh
22/09/2019 Day 7: Closing Ceremony and Certificate Handover
Participants gathering for interview result and slide presentation.
Afternoon Session
2:00-3:00 Group presentation on interview data
3:00-4:00 Evaluation
4:00-5:00 Closing speech and certificate handover
5:00 Farewell dinner
End of the Workshop
Note: All rights reserved by Tuol Sleng Museum and KAS Cambodia
Download the agenda: 2019 Youth and Peacebuilding Workshop.jpg