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History of Constitution Making in Kenya

In August 2010 Kenya successfully promulgated a new Constitution. This wasthe culmination of a long struggle for a Constitution that would be responsiveto the social, economic and political needs of the people. One of the main aims of this book is to help people in developing a culture of constitutionalism from a point of knowledge through the documentation of thehistory of the process.

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This publication seeks to provide insights on constitutional developments in Kenya

since independence through five broad key phases in our constitutional history:

1. Negotiations on the independence Constitution

2. Development of the Constitution between 1963 and 1982

3. Constitutional development in times of political repression: 1982 to


4. The Clamour for reforms in the multiparty era of 1992

5. Implementing the Constitution Post August 2010

Further, we have examined the review process with a view to providing lessons

on the most effective and effi cient means to achieve a new Constitution. This

includes an analysis of the process post the 2007-2008 post election crisis and

lessons from comparable jurisdictions.

One of the main aims of this book is to help people in developing a culture of

constitutionalism from a point of knowledge through the documentation of the

history of the process. And, although the book is a record of historical facts,

it is in no way meant to be exhaustive. We have simply added to the existing

literature with the hope that we shall fi ll some of the existing information gaps

and motivate more people to share their varied experiences and points of view

on this subject.

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