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Specialist conference

Economic Policy Debate

Impact of the Election Period on the Economy

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) veranstaltet gemeinsam mit der "Zagreber Initiative" am 27. September 2016 in Zagreb eine Konferenz zum Thema: "Impact of the Election Period on the Economy".

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10.00h Welcome

Michael A. Lange, Ph.D., Resident Representative, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Prof. Mladen Vedriš, Ph.D., Zagreb Initiative; University of Zagreb – Faculty of Law

10.20h“Does the Croatian economy grow fast enough?”

Zvonimir Savić, Director at Financial Institutions, Business Information and Economic Analyses Sector, Croatian Chamber of Economy

10.30hKeynote speech: “The relationship between politics and economy in Germany”

Otto Bernhardt, Financial policy spokesman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag (1998-2009); Member of the Board of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

10.50hPanel Discussion:

Otto Bernhardt, German Bundestag (1998-2009); Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Zvonimir Savić, Director at Financial Institutions, Business Information and Economic Analyses Sector, Croatian Chamber of Economy

Prof. Marijana Ivanov, Ph.D., Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb

Anton Starčević, Board Advisor, Raiffeisenbank Croatia

Zdeslav Šantić, Chief Economist at Société Générale - Splitska Banka

Moderation: Miodrag Šajatović, Editor-in-Chief, Lider


- Working languages: German – Croatian

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Dr. Michael A. Lange

Dr. Michael A

Interim Director of the Rule of Law Program Middle East/North Africa +361 1 385-094 +361 1 395-094

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