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Video for thought; a series of informative videos prepared by economists for non-economists

A series of short explanatory video tackling economic terms and concepts published by E-for Ektisad in collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Lebanon Office

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Since 2021 “E-for-Ektisad” and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Lebanon Office have joined forces and decided to launch an awareness and outreach campaign aiming at further articulating the knowledge of non-economists with a special focus on young population in Lebanon, especially those with a limited access to political and economic education.

The main objective of the campaign consisted on influencing the economic public policy discourse and contributing to socio-economic development, while introducing and explaining the main pillars of the social market economy models and supporting the general public in analyzing basic economic information in current and future economic scenarios and/or plans.

This cooperation resulted so far to the production and dissemination of the following videos:

In 2022

Video 12: Sustainable Development Goals





Video 11: International Monitory Fund





Video 10: Sovereign Funds





Video 09: FinTech Companies





Video 08: Digital Currencies





Video 07: Economic Growth





Video 06: Purchasing Power






Video 05: Unemployment Rate






Video 04: Currency Board






Video 03: Central Banks’ Independence






Video 02: Fluctuations in the dollar's exchange rate






Video 01: Economic Model of Supply and Demand






In 2021

Video 03: Government Budget (governments income, governments expenses, financing of budget, impact of budget deficit on the economy)






Video 02: Balance of payment (components of bop, importance for the economy, impact on the economy, how to ameliorate the position of bop)






Video 01: Subsidies (how does subsidies work, is it good for the economy, social equality, best alternative ...)

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Hamad Elias


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