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Event reports

German Lebanese Forum on Cooperation and Development

From the 18th until the 21st of March 2023, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Lebanon office hosted the German delegation around German parliamentarian Paul Ziemiak for a two-day conference in Beirut, Lebanon.

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The delegation, which was made up of 22 representatives from the political, corporate, academic and civil society fields, partook in discussions with Lebanese stakeholders regarding the current crisis in Lebanon, its challenges for German-Lebanese collaboration as well possible ways to overcome them by strengthening German-Lebanese collaboration and partnerships. The delegation visit was framed by field visits to local businesses, a meeting with Lebanon’s caretaker prime minister as well as briefings by the UNHCR, UNDP and the German ambassador to Lebanon. A summary of the main points and findings from the forum is provided below with the aim of stimulating further dialogue, partnerships and projects that will contribute to furthering German-Lebanese partnerships in the future.

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Dania Ismaiel

Dania Ismaiel

Project Manager +961 (21) 203 127/8


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