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Seminar on climate change

A seminar to present and discuss ideas regarding climate change from climate experts from Malaysia.

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08:30 — 09:00

Seminar registration

09:00 — 09:20

Opening Remarks by YB Amirudin Shari, Selangor State Assemblyman for Batu Caves

09:20 — 10:30

Presentation by: Prof. Dr. Fredolin Tangang of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Topic: Global climate change: Scientific understanding and their related issues

10:30 — 10:45

Coffee/tea break

10:45 — 11:45

Presentation by Dr. Liew Juneng of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Topic: Mathematical modelling on climate change

11:45 — 12:45

Presentation by: Prof. Dr. Khairulmaini Osman Salleh of University of Malaya

Topic: Climate change – a global challenge

12:45 — 14:30


14:30 — 15:30

Presentation by: Ling Leong Kwok of Malaysian Meteorological Department

Topic: Climate change scenarios of Malaysia

15:30 — 16:30

Presentation by: Ir. Hj. Ahmad Jamaluddin b. Shaaban of National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia

Topic: The Climate change crisis: Malaysia’s policy

16:30 — 17:00

Conclusions and recommendations by Khalid Jaafar (Director of IPR) and Prof. Ir. Dr. Hj. Wan Ramli Wan Daud (President of ASASI)

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Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


Dr. Thomas S. Knirsch

Dr. Thomas S

Stv. Leiter Politische Bildung und Leiter Bildungsmanagement +49 30 26996-3765

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