Asset Publisher

Event reports

Guidelines for Prosperity, Social Justice and Sustainable Economic Activity

Increased economic and political interconnectedness has led to greater growth and competition in many countries around the world. It has improved education opportunities, strengthened the social infrastructure and reduced poverty. And yet, peace, freedom and justice are all under threat. The unequal distribution of global prosperity is a contributing factor for increasing political and social tensions. The only way to overcome the current financial and economic crisis is to have international rules for the financial markets.

Asset Publisher


Guiding Principles:

  • Legal framework

  • Property ownership and employment

  • Competition as the basis

  • Application of the principle of liability

  • Stability of the economic environment

  • Provision of public goods by the state

  • Solidarity and social security

  • Incentive compatibility

  • Sustainability

  • Open markets

Conditions of success for a global social and market-oriented economic order

Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher