Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

IMAGO / Panthermedia

Between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean: Morocco's maritime security strategy

Complex transnational challenges for the country's maritime security

The geopolitical developments in the Red Sea and Morocco's geostrategic position as an interface between Africa, Europe and the Americas pose complex transnational challenges for the country's maritime security. While Morocco benefits economically from the emerging importance of its ports, Morocco's sea areas are threatened by illegal migration, terrorist activities and international drug trafficking. Through a strategy of regional cooperation, Morocco seeks to use its Atlantic and Mediterranean identity to lower trade barriers while protecting itself from dangers. However, measures taken by the Moroccan navy make it clear that cooperation with both European and African states is indispensable for an effective security strategy.

Opinion: Morocco 2030 – A Shared Vision Bridging Continents

Said Temsamani is a Moroccan political observer and consultant, who follows events in his country and across North Africa. He is a member of the Istiqlal party. The following opinion does not necessarily reflect the views of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

La Philosophie politique entre les deux rives de la méditerranée: Chemins croisés

Travaux des deux forums nationaux sur la philosophie politique organisés par l'équipe de recherche sur "la philosophie du droit et pensée politique contemporaine" du laboratoire de recherche sur l'intégration cognitive en sciences sociales et humaines de la faculté des lettres et sciences humaines Mohammadia en partenariat avec la fondation Konrad Adenauer Maroc et en collaboration avec le centre d'étude et de recherches humanitaires - MADA.

Strengthening Partisan Diplomacy – Istiqlal Party's Strategic Move

Said Temsamani is a Moroccan political observer and consultant, who follows events in his country and across North Africa. He is a member of the Istiqlal party. The following opinion does not necessarily reflect the views of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.


Presidential Elections 2024 in Mauritania

A pillar of hope in the Sahel region

Presidential elections are due to be held in Mauritania on June 29, 2024. Despite general expecta-tions that the incumbent President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani will be re-elected, political tension remains, including for partners in Europe. This is because Mauritania has gained in importance for the EU in recent years in the Sahel region, which is experiencing coups. The European Union has concluded security and migration cooperation agreements with the only democratically elected government in the Sahel region. The desert state therefore plays an important role as a connecting country between the countries of the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa.

Gestion des marchés publics

Mohamed Nabih's new publication on public procurement management, in partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Maroc.

The Question of Freedom and Security in Morocco in Times of Multiple and Simultaneous Crises

Actes du colloque national organisé le 14 et le 15 octobre 2022 à Marrakech sous le thème La question de la liberté et la sécurité au Maroc en temps de crises multiples et simultanées par le Centre des Recherches Stratégiques sur la Sécurité et le Terrorisme et la fondation Fatima Al Fihri en partenariat avec la fondation Konrad Adenauer.

La Création des textes de loi, les problématiques de la juridiction et de la formulation

Nouvelle édition de "La Création des textes de loi, les problématiques de la juridiction et de la formulation" par Allal Fali, professeur à la faculté des sciences juridiques et économiques et sociales Agdal, Université Mohamed V Rabat en partenariat avec la fondation Adenauer.

Finanz- und Rechnungswesen der Gebietskörperschaften

Finanz- und Rechnungswesen der Gebietskörperschaften ist ein neues Werk, das in arabischer Sprache von Mohamed Nabih, einem Experten für öffentliches Beschaffungswesen, Finanzen und öffentliches Rechnungswesen, herausgegeben wurde und von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Marokko und Mauretanien, veröffentlicht wird.

Nahrungsmittelsicherheit im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika

Zwischen Notstand und Pragmatismus: Der Fall Marokko

Unmittelbar nach dem russischen Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine rückte der Nahe Osten und Nordafrika erneut ins Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit. Abermals befürchtete man umwälzende Krisen in der Region, nicht wegen innerer Spannungen und Konflikte, sondern wegen der großen regionalen Abhängigkeit von Nahrungsmittelimporten der Kriegsparteien Russland und Ukraine.