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KAS/NSJ Media Training Series: Training of Trainers

Fortsetzung des KAS/NSJ Advanced Journalism-Programm


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KAS's advanced journalism programme came to Swaziland with a special course to train journalists to plan newsroom training programmes and coach juniors and colleagues.

The course was run by veteran journalists and trainers, Farayi Munyuki (Manager, Editorial Services Namibia Press Agency) and Edem Djokotoe (Training Editor, The Post, Zambia); and continues the flagship three-year programme in Specialised Journalism run by the NSJ and sponsored by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

At the end of the TOT programme each learner was assigned to produce a workplace training plan for implementation at home. The training of trainers course ensures that the impact of the advanced journalism programme is multiplied. It promises that the payoff of the advanced programme is shared beyond the classroom and benefits the media in general.

Over the past three years sixteen learners chosen from eight countries have received advanced journalism training. Subjects have included national and international economics, science and technology reporting, local and international politics, media management and research.

All participants in this series were pre-selected in 2003.

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Frank Windeck

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DigitalAkademie +49 2241 246-2314 +49 2241 246-54257
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