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Book presentation

SADC Media Law - A Handbook for Media Practitioners: Lesotho, DRC, Tanzania

Volume 3


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The third book in the KAS's media law series focuses on the legislative regimes and media conditions in some of the tiniest and most vast countries in Africa. Startling similarities in law and the way authorities in Tanzania, Lesotho and the Democratic Republic of Congo treat their journalists are revealed.

SADC Media Law - the third book in KAS's media law series focuses on the conditions of working journalists, and the laws and court cases that affect media freedom, independence and sustainability in Tanzania, the mountain kingdom of Lesotho and the vast Democratic Republic of Congo. Written by legal experts, Justine White ( Senior Visiting Fellow in Communication Law, Nelson Mandela School of Law, Wits University, South Africa) and Daddy Bujitu (LLM Communication Law, Wits University) the book is based on hours of auditing media statutes, regulations, decrees and proclamations in those countries, as well as interviews with journalists themselves. This volume follows the release of previous media law guides for South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland and Zambia in 2003 and 2004.

Head of the KAS Media programme for sub-Saharan Africa, Gaby Neujahr said the authors have produced the most up to date English reference for journalists, editors, students and investors on the media environment in those countries. She said, the new book offered journalists insight into the law-framework in which they work.

An electronic version of this book is availablehere.

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Frank Windeck

Frank Windeck bild

DigitalAkademie +49 2241 246-2314 +49 2241 246-54257
Band 2 der _SADC Media Law_-Serie erschienen

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Mandela Institut