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E-lection Bridge Africa - The Summit

Modern political communication in the region

The successful initiative "KAS E-lection Bridge Africa" brings together political communicators from across Africa - throughout the year. For the regional summit 2012, operatives from eleven African countries will meet in Tanzania. Welcome!

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Last year, KAS Media Africa for the first time brought together campaign experts and political communicators from eleven countries in Subsahara-Africa for the premiere edition of the “KAS E-lection Bridge Africa” conference in Accra/Ghana. Now, we are happy to announce the second edition: KAS E-lection Bridge Africa 2012 will take place in Dar es Salaam, May 26-28, in close cooperation with our friends from KAS Tanzania.

Our key objective remains the same: We want to build a bridge – between African and German players in modern political communication, who can then share their ideas, practices, successes, assessments and much more. We want to veer away from the one-way street in which knowledge and experience only flow in one direction, and head toward a new form of ‘two-way road’ between the practitioners – who take their fresh input back home and customize it to their country, their needs, and their background. Last but not least, we want to facilitate the regional exchange between African experts themselves.

KAS Media Africa and KAS Tansania will be joined by two German experts: Dr. Klaus Schüler, General Manager of Germany’s leading political party CDU, who is also responsible for the upcoming 2013 campaign for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s re-lection, and Oliver Röseler (head of marketing & internal communication, CDU). In addition, Heather Thuynsma is a leading political communication expert from the United States with international campaigning experience, including Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign.

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Dar Es Salaam / Tansania


  • Dr. Klaus Schüler (Federal General Manager
    • CDU)
      • Oliver Röseler (Head of Marketing & Internal Communication
        • CDU)
          • Heather Thuynsma


            Crossing The E-lection Bridge Africa - Towards New Horizons In The Region: CDU General Manager Dr. Klaus Schüler praises KAS Media Africa initiative as "the way to go"
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            Markus Brauckmann

            Markus Brauckmann bild

            Head of the Regional Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa

            Dr. Schüler im Interview closer KAS

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