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Election Reporting Workshop

The workshop aims to provide avenues for reflection and exchange of experience. We would like to involve members of the print media, television channels, public, private and community radio and online press.

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The freedom of the press and the state of the media are indicators of the liveliness of a democracy. Their ability to function fully during an election period demonstrates the democratic intensity of a nation. The media is essential to democracy and it is impossible to hold democratic elections without the media. For elections to be free and fair, voting must not only be conducted in good conditions, but also voters need to have access to adequate information about parties, policies and the electoral process itself in order to to be able to make a choice. How should the media in these contexts?

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Bamako, Mali


Christoph Plate

Christoph Plate bild

Director Media Programme Southeast Europe +359 2 942-4971 +359 2 94249-79

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