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Community Radios and Community’s Resident Associations

Covering Local Issues

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Representatives from community radio and two locally based print journalists attended a 5-day workshop, 24 – 28 November 2008 in Nampula, Mozambique, to help develop content and technical skills related to reporting on the work of community Residents Associations in Mozambique, as well as the local issues that they engage with.

The aim of the workshop was to build the interest, knowledge and capacity of radio journalists to promote the Associations as part of strategies for community development, as well as investigate and report on local governance, issues, and initiatives affecting the community, all of which are closely linked in with the Resident’s Associations.

The training activity was developed to complement and support the ongoing work of KAS Mozambique with Residents Associations throughout the country as agents of development. With training and on-site production provided by CMFD (Community Media for Development) Productions, the participants also had the opportunity to go out into the community, conduct interviews, and produce radio programmes to take back to their stations.

Participants gained familiarity and knowledge about the Associations, how they operate, their role in local governance and development, and impact on local issues. Participants also reflected on the unique role that community radio plays in governance and development, and how the work of the Associations and radios can be mutually beneficial. At the same time, participants gained skills in reporting at the community level, as well as enhanced their technical reporting skills.

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Nampula, Mosambique


Frank Windeck

Frank Windeck bild

DigitalAkademie +49 2241 246-2314 +49 2241 246-54257
Lokalradios und kommunale Anwohnervertretungen

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