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African Media Leadership Conference 2007 Cape Town

Results soon available as download on KAS Homepage

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Once again the annual KAS Media Leadership Conference was well attended by high ranked media practitioners. The editors, publishers and managers came from all in all 14 different countries to discuss important topics around the media industry. The KAS Media Programme invited once again together with its long year partner, the Sol Plaatje Institute for Media Leadership of Rhodes University.

Finding new ways of revenue generation for media houses

Radio, TV, Print and telecommunication, the delegates came from all sectors of the media industry. This years gathering had the topic “Revenue generation for media houses”. Only logic that besides the media practitioners also people from marketing, advertisement and industry joined the conference to ad their point of view to the discussion. Together they tried to analyze the current media and advertisement situation and searched for new ways to create income for media houses. The relevance of these topics are shown recently by those cases in which governments try to punish unloved coverage by the withdrawal of official advertisement funds.

Outcomes will be soon available as downloads

The outcomes of the Conference will be published by the KAS in order to spread them to a broader audience. As soon as every article is collected the Media Programme will present it as a downloadable format on its homepage.

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Cape Town, South Africa


Frank Windeck

Frank Windeck bild

DigitalAkademie +49 2241 246-2314 +49 2241 246-54257