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National and International Political Reporting

Reporting Politics Through Swazi Eyes


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Reporting National and International Politics - the second course in the KAS/NSJ three year advanced programme was held in the world's last absolute monarchy, Swaziland this month.

Scholars were exposed to a country where local and national governance remain subject to the traditional rule of the king despite recent constitutional reform.

The course was instructed by Polytechnic of Namibia senior lecturer, Willie Olivier and Managing Editor of the Namibian News Agency (NAMPA), Farai Munyuki.

The course combined critical engagement on issues such as US Security Policy, the United Nations and Swaziland's own traditional system of rule (the tinkundla) with an newspaper project. Scholars newsgathered, researched and wrote reports and features in and around the capital, Mbabane for a in-house newspaper, Swazi Eye . Articles included parliamentary scandals, local government issues like town planning and unemployment and regional politics.

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Mbabane, Swaziland


Frank Windeck

Frank Windeck bild

DigitalAkademie +49 2241 246-2314 +49 2241 246-54257