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Specialist conference

Power Reporting Workshop 2008

Conference for Investigative Reporters

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The Wits Power Reporting Workshop (PRW) has become an important annual event on the African journalists conferencing calendar. For the fourth time investigative journalists from all over the continent gathered in Johannesburg to participate in an event that is a conference and training module in one. Together with colleagues from other parts of the world they discussed current challenges, participated in the training workshops and maintained their personal networks.

This year’s topics were ethics and investigative reporting, how to improve research, freedom of expression and access to information as well as the general networking with the gathered colleagues.

KAS Media did not only support the PRW by its sponsorship but contributed as well through content input and an additional course parallel to the conference.

Ten radio journalists from Angola and Mozambique, who were participants of former KAS courses, were awarded with short term scholarships to enable their attendance of the conference and parallel to this were equipped with in investigative radio reporting skills.

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Frank Windeck

Frank Windeck bild

DigitalAkademie +49 2241 246-2314 +49 2241 246-54257
Power Reporting Workshop 2008

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