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Study and information programme

Study and Dialogue Programme

Seven campaigning experts from African partner parties were invited to Berlin to learn from the CDU election campaign in 2013. It was the second time that Christian Echle, Director of KAS Media Africa, invited a delegation to the German capital.

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The main focus of the visit was the role of mass media an opinion polling. Besides the the programme provided an insight of the CDU's successful election campaign for the federal elections 2014. In accordance with the principles of the E-lection Bridge every African participant gave an insight in his country's or party's situation. John Mrema from the CHADEMA in Tanzania presented the concept of a web-based radio station of his party. The programme enhanced inner African exchange and dialog.

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Berlin, Germany


  • Oliver Röseler
    • Leiter Marketing CDU
  • Peter Schiwy
    • ehemaliger NDR- und RIAS-Intendant
  • John Mrema
    • CHADEMA TV Tansania

Christian Echle

Christian Echle bild

Head of the Department Asia and Pacific +49 (0) 30 26996 3534

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