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Summer School for Political Speechwriters

Political speech writers exchange notes and share insights

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Speech writing is a specialised skill. Speech writers are among the most important people behind politicians and their careers. At the end of April 2024, KAS Media Africa is assembling 15 speech writers to a Summer School on this topic in Cadenabbia, Italy.

Speech writers for politicians all over the world are constantly looking for inspiration and guidance. How do I write a speech for parliament, for a rural audience or for an urban one? How do I combine the expectations of the politician I am writing for with the realities on the ground? How do I blend colourful language and imagery with the political message that should come across?

The upcoming KAS Media Africa Summer School will offer the participants an opportunity to exchange views and insights with fellow speech writers from different parts of Africa, Europe and the United States. The programme also includes tracing the origins of speech writing, a discussion on development process of a speech, and analyses of examples from different countries.

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  • Hendrik Sittig
    • Director
    • Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa Johannesburg
    • South Africa
  • Dr. Heather Thuynsma
    • Senior Lecturer
    • Political Sciences
    • University of Pretoria
    • Pretoria
    • South Africa


2024 Summer School for Political Speechwriters Concluded in Cadenabbia, Italy: The KAS Media Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa hosted an intensive workshop at Konrad Adenauer's Former Residence
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Rebecca Sibanda

Rebecca Sibanda

Project Manager +27 (11) 214 2900 +27 11 214 2913/4