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Training Course in Political Marketing and Campaigning


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Fifteen politicians of opposition parties and one journalist met for an exchange of experiences: they all came from the region Gauteng to discuss relevant issues in consideration of the upcoming election in South Africa in 2009. After workshops in Nairobi and Durban the KAS Media Programme invited the participants to Johannesburg for the third workshop in the series of “Political Marketing and Campaigning”.

Different panels enabled the participants to exchange their thoughts and finally address questions to each other which were centered around the fundamental issue of the relation between journalists and politicians: what are the real aims of journalists and politicians? To what extent are journalists instrumentalized by politicians? Can journalists be bought for publicizing the news wanted by a politician? Why do most politicians act in an arrogant manner?

The participants discussed the theoretical issues vividly and also produced practical results: different trainers assisted the participants and gave them not only an insight into political campaigning on an international level, but also helpful details for using the Internet, radio, television and print advertising in everyday work life. The participants designed their own websites and learned how to start a blog. They further created a flyer, a radio spot and practised television interviews which afterwards have been analysed and discussed.

At the end all the participants agreed that they now feel better prepared for the important election race in the next year. The KAS media programme will continue its work with opposition parties in South Africa also in 2009.

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Johannesburg, South Africa


Frank Windeck

Frank Windeck bild

DigitalAkademie +49 2241 246-2314 +49 2241 246-54257
Wahlkampftraining für Oppositionsparteien

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