Asset Publisher

Study and information programme

Directory for Investigative Reporters


Asset Publisher


Africa's only investigative journalism network is collecting data for an inventory of resources and institutions in niche areas ("beats") to help investigative reporters to improve the quality and depth of their research.

The tipsheet or directory will provide an audit of local and global institutions by sector or beat to help investigative journalists network, corroborate, verify or dig into issues as complex as international banking, weapons trading or housing and land in their own countries. Later on, "step plans" will be added to the directory to advise journalists how to investigate various topics.

The goal of the directory is to improve the solidity and credibility of work and research of bona fide investigative journalists. Information for the directory is being sourced through country visits, literature and internet searches and most importantly from working investigative reporters spread across at least twelve countries.

The Forum for African Investigative Reporters can be found here.

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Gaby Neujahr

Gaby Neujahr bild

Former Head of the Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa

Wegweiser für investigativ arbeitende Journalisten