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Event reports

25th Anniversary of The Daily Star

Journalism without Fear or Favour

„The newspapers need to play a pro-active role in preserving the democracy “, said Abdul Hamit, President of Bangladesh, during the 25th anniversary of The Daily Star. Since 16 years, Bangladesh’s leading English-language newspaper is a member of Asia News Network (ANN), an institutional partner of the KAS Media Programme Asia.

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„Constructive criticism can play an important role in taking right decision for running the government and building the nation”, flattered the president. In that case The Daily Star is a role model with their coverage of topics like climate change, environmental protection as well as the rights of women and children.

Editor-in-chief and publisher of The Daily Star Mahfuz Anam is proud of his newspaper: „The Daily Star is 25 years of journalism without fear or favour“, he cheered to about 5,000 guests.

Torben Stephan, Director of the KAS Media Programme Asia, speaks in high terms of The Daily Star as well: „ In times when the freedom of opinion is under fire, having a clear voice in Bangladesh is essential.“

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