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Book presentation

Media and Politics

How are Bulgarian people being informed about political events and developments? What are the main topics in media, the main characters and voices? What kind of conclusions regarding the relationship between media and politics can be drawn?

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The view of the Bulgarian media landscape presented here encompasses traditional information sources (newspapers, radio, television) as well as new media (webportals, social networks, blogs). The anthology is a joint publication of the Media Democracy Foundation and the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The analyses are based on a qualitative and quantitative monitoring which was compiled by experts from the Media Democracy Foundation.

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Sofia, Red House (Ljuben Karavelov Nr. 15)


  • Tsetska Tsacheva (National Assembly President)Georgi Lozanov (Chairman of the Council for Electronic Media)Orlin Spassov
    • (Chairman of the Media Democracy Foundation)


      Realistic picture of features of media in Bulgaria: Presentation of the study “Media and Politics” in Sofia
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      Matthias Barner

      Matthias Barner bild

      Director United Kingdom and Ireland +44 20 783441-19