- As an affiliate of the International Democrat Union (IDU), DUA aims to promote democracy, individual freedom, and economic growth based on free enterprise throughout the continent.
- The map shows the latest results in national elections for member parties of DUA. As a disclaimer, Kenya and Uganda have two member parties in the Democrat Union of Africa (DUA).
- Particularly strong results were achieved in Ghana, Angola and Mali represented in a Delegation that travelled to Brussels in October 2024.
- The results for Mozambique were not publicly available at the date of publication as the national elections took place on the 9th October 2024.
About this series
“Global Europe Illustrated” is a section with a series of published maps designed to provide an insight into the EU's foreign policy ambitions in various regions. Each thematic map in the series focuses on the EU's global engagement in the context of EU election observation missions, global gateway projects and bilateral and multilateral EU summits and ministerial meetings with participating partner countries. In addition, each map is accompanied by a brief political analysis that provides nuanced views on what the map says about the EU's foreign policy objectives in the respective region and how these efforts are perceived. This combination of visual representation and analytical commentary provides a comprehensive understanding of the EU's engagement strategies and their impact on regional political realities.
Dr. Olaf Wientzek

Director of the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue Brussels
Jonas Nitschke

Programme Manager Democracy and Sustainable Development
Nicole Linsenbold

Programme Manager Development and Climate Policy