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Global Europe Illustrated

Global Europe Illustrated: NATO Partnerships

by Louis Bout, Dr. Olaf Wientzek
The first Global Europe Illustrated focuses on NATO Partnerships. NATO maintains relationships with over 40 non-member countries and international organisations, known as NATO partners. Through various frameworks, including the Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean Dialogue, and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative, NATO collaborates with partners on political and security-related issues.

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NATO Partnerships
  • NATO maintains relationships with over 40 non-member countries and international organisations, known as NATO partners.
  • Through various frameworks, including the Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean Dialogue, and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative, NATO collaborates with partners on political and security-related issues.
  • Additionally, NATO collaborates with global partners such as Australia and Japan, and international organisations like the UN and EU, fostering mutual security and stability.
  • These partnerships contribute to NATO's core activities, such as policy shaping, defence capacity building, and crisis management.
  • Currently, NATO has suspended its partnerships with Russia, Belarus, and Afghanistan.

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Louis Bout

Louis Bout

Programme Manager Security and Trade +32 66931 80 +32 2 66931 62

Dr. Olaf Wientzek

Olaf Wientzek bild

Director of the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue Brussels +32 2 669 31 70

Marcel Schmidt

Marcel Schmidt

Desk Officer for European Affairs and Multilateral Dialogue +49 (0) 30 26 996 - 3671


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About this series

“Global Europe Illustrated” is a section with a series of published maps designed to provide an insight into the EU's foreign policy ambitions in various regions. Each thematic map in the series focuses on the EU's global engagement in the context of EU election observation missions, global gateway projects and bilateral and multilateral EU summits and ministerial meetings with participating partner countries. In addition, each map is accompanied by a brief political analysis that provides nuanced views on what the map says about the EU's foreign policy objectives in the respective region and how these efforts are perceived. This combination of visual representation and analytical commentary provides a comprehensive understanding of the EU's engagement strategies and their impact on regional political realities.

Dr. Olaf Wientzek

Olaf Wientzek bild

Director of the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue Brussels +32 2 669 31 70

Louis Bout

Louis Bout

Programme Manager Security and Trade +32 66931 80 +32 2 66931 62

Jonas Nitschke

Jonas Nitschke

Programme Manager Democracy and Sustainable Development +32 2 66931 71 +32 2 66931 62

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