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Map of the Month

Donor and Recipient countries and progress of appeals Humanitarian aid worldwide until mid-2023

by Sarah Ultes

Map of the Month 08/2023

As of 19 August, World Humanitarian Day, only 26.9% of the required funds for 2023 have been received, which are channeled through UN agencies, funds, NGOs and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. With 8.7 billion USD, the USA is by far the largest donor, followed by the European Commission and Germany. China contributes 0.0013% of the US amount and as the second largest economy behind the US only 0.00002% of its GDP. The largest donors in relation to the GDP are Sweden, Honduras and Sierra Leone. Ukraine is currently the largest recipient with USD 2.1 billion, followed by Syria, Yemen and Ethiopia.

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Sarah Ultes

Sarah Ultes

Research Associate +41 22 748 70 73


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