On the Panel:
- Ivan Krastev, Political Scientist from Bulgaria, Head of Centre of Liberal Strategies in Sofia, Permanent Fellow at the Institute for Human Science Vienna and Author of “After Europe”
- David Goodhart, Political Scientist from Britain, Journalist, Historian and Author of “The Road to Somewhere. The Populist Revolt and the Future of Politics.”
- Sylvia Kritzinger, Political Scientist, Principle Investigators of the Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES), Author of "Quo vadis, Österreich? Wertewandel zwischen 1990 und 2018"
- Thibault Muzergues, Europe Programme Director at the International Republican Institute (IR), author of “The Great Class Shift: How New Social Class Structures are Redefining Western Politics”
- Walter Hämmerle, Chief Editor of „Wiener Zeitung“ (Moderation)
We look forward to your participation and kindly ask for you registration via info.vienna@kas.de