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Workshop: Strengthening Security and Resilience in Europe

Political Dialogue of leaders from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia

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This time our meeting will be held in Vienna in the framework of our workshop series, in which we gather leaders from Central and Southeastern Europe as well as from Brussels. With this series we want to strengthen networks and relationships with one another, but above all we want to discuss current topics in order to – in some fields – develop common positions or – in other cases – bring in different perspectives. This time the meeting will be held in circumstances we hoped never to experience. We will discuss the impacts of the war in Ukraine for our countries and for Europe. Against the backdrop of the wars in the nineties in former Jugoslavia, this exchange will certainly bring in an additional perspective.

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Multilateral Dialogue Vienna
Kärntner Ring 15,
1010 Vienna
Zur Webseite



Workshop: Strengthening Security and Resilience in Europe: Political Dialogue of leaders from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia
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Johannes Spreitz

Johannes Spreitz

Policy Adviser +43 1 890 146 50 +43 1 890 146 516

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