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Expert conference

Studies and Conference on Decentralization in selected policy fields

Decentralization is a process under which power is transferred from the central government to local government. Myanmar’s decentralization process started with the adoption of its 2008 Constitution which establishes 14 parliaments in addition to the Union parliament, one for each State and Region. It is a measure to grant more autonomy to the non-Burmese ethnic groups living in those states and regions, many of whom aspire after a federal state. KAS has been supportive of this process most notably through our “Decentralization project”, which combines the research of our 3 local partners, each specializing in one aspect of decentralization: the Panna Institute on the perceptions of decentralization by local stakeholders, NEI on the role of decentralization in the SME sector, and Urbanize on elements of decentralization in the teaching of ethnic languages in the education sector. On the 20th of February we held our conference on the topic in front of an audience of around 80 participants. H.E Thomas Neisinger, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Myanmar, gave welcoming remarks and highlighted the importance of the very topics presented. You may find the research of Urbanize published in the book “Teaching ethnic minority languages in government schools and developing the local curriculum: elements of decentralization in language-in-education-policy”. The findings of the Panna Institute and of NEI will be published in the weeks to come.

Book presentation

Conference on the Introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) to Myanmar

On the 29th of January 2020, we held our book launch on “Introduction of Value-Added Tax (VAT) to Myanmar” by Prof. Dr. Stefan Collignon from London School of Economics and Political Science in Nay Pyi Taw. Participants from the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry as well as the Ministry of Commerce attended the event. To achieve a sustainable economy in Myanmar, an efficient tax system is important. Therefore, the introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) is a crucial step. Value Added Tax is an indirect tax in which the calculation of tax liability is imposed on transactions and not on people. The book also highlights how to introduce VAT in Myanmar with case examples of Germany and Thailand.

Book presentation

Book Launch of our Rule of Law Handbooks on Civil Society Organizations and on Environmental Law

We held our Book Launch for our two publications “Rule of Law Handbook for Civil Society Organizations”, and “Rule of Law Handbook for Environmental Law”, coordinated by Dr. Jonathan Liljeblad, Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University. U Kyaw Min San, Legal Consultant at Justice for All Law Firm, presented his chapter "Myanmar’s Legal System" while Dr. Su Yin Htun, Lecturer at Mandalay University introduced "Myanmar Laws on Forests, Biodiversity and Ecosystems in Myanmar." Dr. Nan Kham Mai, Lecturer at Mandalay University, presented "International Principles regarding Civil Society and the Role of CSO in Democratic Societies". A lively discussion followed the presentations.

Book presentation

Arbitration in Myanmar

In Myanmar, not much awareness has been brought to the new Arbitration Law that passed in 2016, yet progress can already be observed as shown by the recent establishment of the Myanmar Arbitration Centre last August. Arbitration has the potential to encourage more foreign direct investment in a country ranked 110 among the 126 countries monitored in the Rule of Law Index by the World Justice Project (WJP). Through the book launch of our publication “Arbitration in Myanmar and other ASEAN countries”, we seek to get the public more acquainted with this resolution procedure.


Research Methodology, Public Relations and Information Management Training for the Civil Service

In cooperation with Ministry of Information, the Panna Institute and KAS Myanmar, our training on “Research Methodology, Public Relations and Information Management” for the Civil Service was conducted for the third time in the year 2019.


Training for Members of the Civil Service VI

Capacity-building program for staff of various government institutions


Training für Angehörige des Öffentlichen Dienstes VI

Kapazitätsbildungsprogramm für Personal verschiedener Regierungsbehörden


Youth in Leadership 2018 II

Training program on civic education

In this six week long activity young adults will be provided with training on a range of political issues which is supposed to let them become active stakeholders in the development process of both their country and their home regions.


Youth in Leadership 2018 II

Trainingsprogramm zur politischen Bildung

Junge Erwachsene erhalten in dieser sechswöchigen Maßnahme eine Ausbildung in verschiedenen Politikbereichen, die sie befähigen soll, als aktive Stakeholder am Prozess der Entwicklung ihres Landes bzw. ihrer Heimatregion mitzuwirken.


Business in Entrepreneurship

Training for future entrepreneurs in Mon state

Asset Publisher

Finanzpolitiker aus Myanmar zu Gast

Vom 26. November bis 02. Dezember 2017 hielt sich eine Delegation aus leitenden Beamten des Planungs- und Finanzministeriums Myanmars auf Einladung der KAS in Bonn, Düsseldorf und Berlin auf.

Politiker aus Myanmar informieren sich über Staatsaufbau

Vom 8.-15. Oktober hielten sich auf Einladung der KAS sechs hochrangige Vertreter des Unionsparlaments und des Innenministeriums Myanmars sowie birmanische Wissenschaftler und Journalisten in Deutschland (Berlin und Dresden) auf. Das Studien- und Dialogprogramm war dem Thema "Staatsaufbau und Förderalismus" gewidmet und hatte zum Ziel, den Gästen einen Einblick in die Funktionsweise des deutschen politischen Systems, insbesondere das Zusammenwirken der Bundes- und der Länderebene in verschiedenen Politikbereichen, zu präsentieren.

Langsamer Fortschritt im Land der „Lady“

Über den Friedensprozess und die aktuelle Lage in Myanmar sprach Dr. Norbert Eschborn im Außenpolitischen Gesprächskreis

China und Indien führten seit 1945 drei Kriege miteinander – und Myanmar liegt mittendrin: „Geostrategisch komplizierter geht es kaum“, befand Dr. Norbert Eschborn im Außenpolitischen Gesprächskreis in der Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Dort berichtete der Auslandsmitarbeiter in Yangon (Rangun) von den drängendsten Problemen in dem südostasiatischen Land.

Studien- und Dialogprogramm für Vertreter der Streitkräfte aus Myanmar

Team Inlandsprogramme

Auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ist in dieser Woche eine Delegation von Vertretern der Streitkräfte aus Myanmar zu Gast in Berlin, Hamburg und Flensburg, um sich mit der Geschichte und Stellung der Bundeswehr in der demokratischen Grundordnung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und mit der Ausbildung der Soldaten, insbesondere der Offiziere und Stabsoffiziere anhand des Konzepts der „Inneren Führung“, vertraut zu machen.

14.10.2014 Vertreter der Streitkräfte aus Myanmar zu Besuch in Deutschland

In der vergangenen Woche hielt sich auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung eine Delegation aus Myanmar im Rahmen eines Besucherprogramms in Deutschland auf.