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The changing relations between Myanmar and China

Our latest article "Dancing with the Dragon"

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Studies and Conference on Decentralization in selected policy fields

Through our “Decentralization project”, we combine the research of our 3 local partners, each specializing in one aspect of decentralization in Myanmar

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Conference on "The Introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) to Myanmar"

On the 29th of January 2020, Prof. Collignon from LSE presented his research to participants from the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry.

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Book Launch of our Rule of Law Handbooks on Civil Society Organizations and on Environmental Law

We held our Book Launch for our two publications “Rule of Law Handbook for Civil Society Organizations”, and “Rule of Law Handbook for Environmental Law”, coordinated by Dr. Jonatha...

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Arbitration in Myanmar

Arbitration has the potential to encourage more foreign direct investment in a country ranked 110 among the 126 countries monitored in the Rule of Law Index by the World Justice Pro...

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Myanmar erleben!

Zeit für Praktikumsbewerbungen 2020

Qualifizierten und an einem Orientierungspraktikum interessierten jungen Menschen, die Myanmar kennenlernen möchten, bietet das KAS-Auslandsbüro Praktikumsplätze an.

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Asset Publisher


The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation in the Federal Republic of Germany. Its activities and projects support a proactive approach towards international cooperation and understanding. This website serves to give an overview of the foundation’s activities in Myanmar.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“



Studies and Conference on Decentralization in selected policy fields



Conference on the Introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) to Myanmar



Book Launch of our Rule of Law Handbooks on Civil Society Organizations and on Environmental Law

Asset Publisher