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KAS-TEP Session 2 Swakopmund

Strategic Planning, Project Management and Stakeholder Engagement

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Voters Education NBC Radio Programme

Namibian Voters Sensitisation and Awareness

Voters sensitisation and awareness is a crucial component in preparation of the upcoming Presidential and National Assembly elections slated for November 2024. As part of its contribution to democracy and electoral process, KAS is supporting the voter education discussion programme on NBC Radio. We urge the public to tune in every Tuesday, 10:00 -11:00 and participate.


Roundtable on current socioeconomic situation in Angola

Informal Sector, Labor market, wage policy and developmental economic implication in Angola

This is the 2nd Roundtable on Economic Affairs conducted by KAS in collaboration with the University of Lusiada/Angola. The topics that will be presented by various experts and discussed with academic and political fraternity will deal with the current environment on labor market in Angola, in particular the impact of the informal sector on the growth and socioeconomic development in Angola.


MSME Digital Bootcamp


As part of the Digital Bootcamp Series, KAS in partnership with the NIPDB and NAMCOL will be hosting the 3rd session on basic computer skills for entrepreneurs in Eenhana. The aim of the three day training is to equip Namibia's MSMEs with the necessary digital skills to enhance their operations, production, scalability in the Namibian marketplace and therewith enhance economic development across the regions in Namibia.

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Voters Awareness

Voters awareness program on Radio Eagle FM

Voters sensitisation and awareness is a crucial component in preparation of the upcoming Presidential and National Assembly elections slated for November 2024. Our popular weekly Radioprogram continues on EagleFM. As part of its contribution to democracy and electoral process, KAS is supporting the voter education discussion on Eagle Radio. We urge the public to tune in every Thursday 14:30 -16:00 and have their questions and comments ready.


ECSO Project Financial Literacy Training for CSOs

Erongo Region Module 2

The ECSO project team will be hosting the 2nd round of trainings in the Erongo region with selected CSOs from Monday 1 July to Friday 5 July. A total of 10 CSOs will be trained for the upcoming week on effective financial management procedures to better improve the financial processes of their organisations. The project which is co-funded by the European Union and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung aims to strengthen these selected CSOs to become more sustainable in the long run.


ECSO Project Financial Literacy Training for CSOs Duplicate 1

Erongo Region Module 2

The ECSO project team will be hosting the 2nd round of trainings in the Erongo region with selected CSOs from Monday 1 July to Friday 5 July. A total of 10 CSOs will be trained for the upcoming week on effective financial management procedures to better improve the financial processes of their organisations. The project which is co-funded by the European Union and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung aims to strengthen these selected CSOs to become more sustainable in the long run.


fully booked

KAS-TEP Session 1 Otjiwarongo

Leadership and Understanding Your Role in Democracy

The first session of the 2024 KAS-TEP Programme officially commences on 24 June 2024 in Otjiwarongo with an Intake of 19 selected participants. The beneficiaries represent youth who are active in community development and civil society in Namibia. The 5-day training focuses on honing leadership skills and equipping participants with the capacity to understand their active role as civil society representatives, in strengthening democratic structures in Namibia.


Green Hydrogen Industry Incubation Forum

Deep Dive Into Technical Aspects of Green Hydrogen Construction Opportunities

A one-day comprehensive information sharing Forum hosted in Windhoek by CIF in partnership with REIAoN and in cooperation with KAS. Sponsored by key industry players, Hyphen Green Hydrogen Pty Ltd will provide technical insights and place the spotlight on the opportunities available for Namibian based businesses as part of the mega project. The main aim of the forum is to ensure enhanced engagement by industry body participants, whilst the objective is to gage at least 100 members of the Construction lndustry Federation (ClF) and Renewable Energy lndustry Association (RElAoN) jointly, as well as selected non-ClF or REIAoN members who represent an active and credible construction or installation business from across Namibia. The Forum is hosted in Windhoek and focuses on the in-depth technical aspects tailored for an audience of Namibia's renewable and construction industry experts and captains of industry interested in understanding potential Green Hydrogen construction opportunities.


ECSO Project Community Engagement with civil society organisations and stakeholders

//Karas Region

The KAS and European Union co-funded ECSO project team will be in //Karas region for two community engagement events with civil society organisations and stakeholders. On 23rd April the KAS and WAD team will be hosting a community dialogue on the topic "Development in the Community: Creating income generating activities from Regional Resources". On 24 April an information session with CSOs and stakeholders will take place in an effort to build relationships in the region.


FDN Symposium: The Challenges for Namibian Democracy

Discussion Roundtable in association with the Forum of German-speaking Namibians

The Forum of German-speaking Namibians (FDN) in association with the Swakopmunder Gesprächskreis and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Namibia-Angola Country Office are hosting a one-day symposium on 13 April 2024 with the aim to exchange insights on the challenges that Namibia's Democracy faces and recommendations on the way forward. Together with four guest speakers, the discussion roundtable aims to engage around 70 invited guests.


Review of the Constituency Development Fund Bill (CDFB)

in association with ARC

KAS is joining the Association for Regional Councils (ARC) who are convening in Mariental. The two day retreat scheduled from 09 to 10 April 2024 will discuss and review the Constituency Development Fund Bill (CDFB). More the 50 representatives from regional and local authorities are expected to attend.


PDM Strategic Document Development 2024


From 3rd to 5th April 2024, the PDM party is discussing and developing a key strategic document, deemed pivotal for the political party's effective campaign and lobbying during a crucial election year, 2024. Technical support and expertise for the engagement will be offered by KAS.


ECSO Project Operational and Administrative Management Training

//Kharas Region

The past week 04 - 08 March 2024 the KAS and WAD team who are implementing the ECSO project hosted a training for 13 CSOs from //Karas region on Operational and Administrative Management in Keetmanshoop. The training was able to empower a total of 24 participants in a 5-day workshop aimed at strengthening the internal operational structures of their respective organisations.

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National Disability Week in Namibia

Inclusivity in Namibia

KAS Namibia-Angola together with the National Disability Council of Namibia (NDCN) on 05th and 06th March shared insights on the occasion of the National Disability Week which took place in the Oshana Region, Northern Namibia. The event was attended by key ministries, the National Disability Council of Namibia and other key stakeholders. All relevant national Organisations for People with Disabilities were present to exchange challenges and way forward. The event highlighted the importance of strategic partnerships, accountability, transparency and efficiency when developing and implementing sustainable and impactful programmes for persons with disabilities. KAS Namibia together with key stakeholders continue to collaborate to promote inclusivity and favorable regulatory frameworks for the sake of access to services, information and employment opportunities for People with Disabilities. 

World Press Freedom Day 2021

The Sidelines

On 3 May 2021, the media industry globally joined the host country Namibia to celebrate World Press Freedom Day 2021, which coincided with the 30th anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration - well known for paving ways for free speech, media freedom and media pluralism in Africa and the world. In celebrating world press freedom day, the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology and UNESCO Global and local offices have led celebrations by hosting a number of events prior, during and after the global commemorations.

Event Report on the KAS Talent Empowerment Programme

Core Session 2

The Talent Empowerment Programme promises to serve as a dialogue and networking platform to enhance leadership and project management traits within the Civil Society Sector in Namibia and strengthen participant's personal and professional development through soft skills.

Event Report on the KAS Talent Empowerment Programme

Core Session 1

The Talent Empowerment Programme promises to serve as a dialogue and networking platform to enhance leadership and project management traits within the Civil Society Sector in Namibia and strengthen participant's personal and professional development through soft skills.

Great Kunene Leadership Training

The Great Kunene Leadership Training has for the past three years focused on capacitating and empowering the marginalized youth across the seven constituencies in the Kunene region to engage in local and regional initiatives with the objective to develop themselves and improve their future and most essentially, to think differently about tackling developmental challenges in their region and the betterment of the community and region at last.

Leadership Training

Workshop in the Omaheke region

A leadership training for regional decision makers.

Okankolo Workshop für Frauen aus ländlichen Gebieten

Ein Workshop, der vom Projekt Eine Welt ohne Hunger (EWoH) durchgeführt wurde

Der Workshop für Frauen aus den ländlichen Gebieten Namibias soll insbesondere Witwen, alleinerziehende Mütter und verheiratete Frauen über ihre Rechte informieren, welche in der namibischen Verfassung und anderen kodifizierten Gesetzen Namibias verankert sind.

Oukwanyama Ta (Weyulu Ya Hedimbi District) Workshop

A workshop conducted by the One World no Hunger (EWoH) Project

The intention of the workshop was to capacitate the traditional leaders with the necessary skills and relevant information.

Workshop für Wassermanagement

in der Omaheke Region

In dem Workshop soll das Bewusstsein für regionale Führung und die Rolle von Führung im Umgang mit Innovationen im Bereich der Wassertechnologie ermöglicht werden, um Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und zu fördern.

Together defeating COVID-19, Together thriving again

Together defeating COVID-19, Together thriving again