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Capacity Building Workshop

PDM Leadership



Erongo Region Monitoring and Mentoring Meetings

ECSO project






POSITION ADVERTISEMENT: ECSO Project Finance / Administration Manager

Empowering CSOs, Women, Youth and Marginalised communities as Equal Partners in Democracy

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Graduation Ceremony

ECSO Project

On 28 March 2025 the ECSO project will be hosting a graduation ceremony for members of CSOs from the Erongo, Kunene and //Karas regions who have successfully completed and passed the first three modules of the project. Module 1: Operational and Administration Management, Module 2: Financial Literacy and Module 3: Youth Engagement and Empowerment. The ceremony serves as a celebration of the CSOs' achievements with around 55 representatives to receive their certificates. The event will be attended by the EU Delegation, ECSO project team, and the Mayor of Swakopmund His Worship Hon. Blasius !Goraseb.


Kunene Region Monitoring and Mentoring Meetings

ECSO Project

From 07 to 09 April 2025 the ECSO project is conducting monitoring and mentoring sessions with selected CSOs from the Kunene region. The goal of these meetings is aimed at visiting each CSO individual to assess their adaption of trainings received for Modules 1 to 3. These are Module 1: Operational and Administration Management, Module 2: Financial Literacy and, Module 3: Youth Engagement and Empowerment. Furthermore, these visits also include mentoring sessions for any additional support the targeted CSOs may require.

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Press Release ECSO Graduation Ceremony

EU and KAS Empowers Youth, Women and Marginalised communities


ECSO Project Request for Proposals

Translation of Youth Engagement and Empowerment pocket pamphlet from English to Afrikaans and Nama/Damara

The ECSO project seeks the services of an experienced and qualified expert to translate a pocket pamphlet to ensure that the information is accessible to Afrikaans and/or Nama-Damara speaking audiences, promoting awareness and understanding of issues related to gender, women’s rights, and gender-based violence. Suitably qualified and experienced consultant(s) are hereby invited to submit proposals for this short-term consultancy of the ECSO Project. Terms of Reference available from Closing date: 19 March 2025 @ 17h00


Launch of the Parliament App

Digital Democracy in Action: Namibia’s Parliament Goes Digital. A user-friendly platform to decentralize parliamentary news and updates for all citizens.

Yesterday, 11th March 2025, a groundbreaking step was taken towards enhancing transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in Namibia’s legislative process. KAS joined the Parliament of the Republic of Namibia to witness the launch of the ICT Policy and Bill Tracking System in support by the European Union and the launch of the Parliament APP, in collaboration with KAS. The launch constituted part of the Parliament e-strategy which aims to enhance parliament efficiency. The Key Highlights: ✅ ICT Policy – Strengthening IT infrastructure & best practices. ✅ Bill Tracking System – Enhancing transparency & accessibility in the legislative process. ✅ Parliament App – A user-friendly platform to decentralize parliamentary news and updates for all citizens. 🎙️ Frederico Berna, EU Head of Cooperation, emphasized that digital engagement is the future of governance worldwide. The Speaker of Parliament Hon Prof. Peter Katjavivi highlighted how these tools will enhance efficiency and productivity in law-making as part of Namibia’s e-Parliament strategy. This is a bold step towards modernizing governance and bringing democracy closer to the people. Are you ready to engage with Parliament like never before? The app will be available for download soon. Stay tuned for further updates.


//Karas Region Workshop “Women, Gender and Gender-based Violence”

ECSO Project

The ECSO project as part of its mandate to capacitate CSOs, women, youth and marginalised communities will host its final training on “Women, Gender and Gender-based” in //Karas Region from 3 to 7 March 2025 in Keetmanshoop with members from target groups 1, 2 and 3 of the project. The workshop will focus on capacitating participants on issues around gender, gender-based violence and reporting of violence as well as services available. The training which is supported by the European Union and KAS and co-implemented between KAS and Women’s Action for Development forms part of the initiative aimed at achieving a vibrant and inclusive democracy and addressing the challenges brought on by GBV.


Erongo Region Workshop “Women, Gender and Gender-based Violence”

ECSO Project

The ECSO project as part of its mandate to capacitate CSOs, women, youth and marginalised communities will host it’s second training on “Women, Gender and Gender-based” in Erongo Region from 17 to 21 February 2025 in Swakopmund with members from target groups 1, 2 and 3 of the project. The workshop will focus on capacitating participants on issues around gender, gender-based violence and reporting of violence as well as services available. The training which is supported by the European Union and KAS and co-implemented between KAS and Women’s Action for Development forms part of the initiative aimed at achieving a vibrant and inclusive democracy and addressing the challenges brought on by GBV.


Public Discussion: The Potential of Namibia’s Youth to Strengthen Democracy

In conjunction with Farewell & Networking Event honoring Mrs. Natalie Russmann, outgoing Resident Representative

In light of the recent commemoration of Constitution Day, KAS presents a public dialogue to address how the potential of youth in Namibia can be harnessed to enhance democratic structures in Namibia? Highlighting specifically participation in general elections and strengthening good governance. The event is hosted in conjunction with the farewell & networking session to honor the outgoing Resident Representative Mrs. Natalie Russmann.


Kunene Region Workshop "Women, Gender and Gender-based Violence"

ECSO Project

The ECSO project as part of its mandate to capacitate CSOs, women, youth and marginalised communities will host it’s first training on “Women, Gender and Gender-based violence” in Kunene Region from 3 to 7 February 2025 in Outjo with members from target groups 1, 2 and 3 of the project. The workshop will focus on capacitating participants on issues around gender, gender-based violence and reporting of violence as well as services available. The training which is supported by the European Union and KAS and co-implemented between KAS and Women’s Action for Development forms part of an initiative aimed at achieving a vibrant and inclusive democracy and addressing the challenges brought on by GBV.


E- Parliament Workshop

Parliament APP

During the week of 27th to 31st January 2025, KAS joined the Parliament of the Republic of Namibia IT department in finalizing the outstanding work on the ParliamentAPP. The APP aims to enhance Parliament access to the public.

Book presentation

Book Discussion - Namibia's Water-Energy-Food Nexus

National Development in Uncertain Times

We are delighted to engage the public on a follow up book discussion and short presentation for 2 hours together with co-authors Dr. Detlof von Oertzen and Dr. Martin Schneider, who will lead the discussion. Following the launch of the publication in April 2024, this event promises an engaging dialogue with the aim to create ongoing awareness and further strengthen collaborative efforts to address Namibia’s challenges in light of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. About the Book Our survival on Earth depends fundamentally on the availability of water, energy, and food. The interconnectedness of these elements, known as the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, underscores the importance of addressing these resources holistically. This is particularly critical as growing global populations and climate change place increasing demands on finite resources. Namibia, like many nations, faces significant challenges in managing water, energy, and food sustainably. The book introduces Namibia’s water, energy, and food sectors, explores their interrelationships, and examines how development prospects can be enhanced through a strengthened nexus approach.


Years End Award TUCSIN - Robotic School

Certificate Handover Youth Robotic School

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National Disability Week in Namibia

Inclusivity in Namibia

KAS Namibia-Angola together with the National Disability Council of Namibia (NDCN) on 05th and 06th March shared insights on the occasion of the National Disability Week which took place in the Oshana Region, Northern Namibia. The event was attended by key ministries, the National Disability Council of Namibia and other key stakeholders. All relevant national Organisations for People with Disabilities were present to exchange challenges and way forward. The event highlighted the importance of strategic partnerships, accountability, transparency and efficiency when developing and implementing sustainable and impactful programmes for persons with disabilities. KAS Namibia together with key stakeholders continue to collaborate to promote inclusivity and favorable regulatory frameworks for the sake of access to services, information and employment opportunities for People with Disabilities. 

World Press Freedom Day 2021

The Sidelines

On 3 May 2021, the media industry globally joined the host country Namibia to celebrate World Press Freedom Day 2021, which coincided with the 30th anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration - well known for paving ways for free speech, media freedom and media pluralism in Africa and the world. In celebrating world press freedom day, the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology and UNESCO Global and local offices have led celebrations by hosting a number of events prior, during and after the global commemorations.

Event Report on the KAS Talent Empowerment Programme

Core Session 2

The Talent Empowerment Programme promises to serve as a dialogue and networking platform to enhance leadership and project management traits within the Civil Society Sector in Namibia and strengthen participant's personal and professional development through soft skills.

Event Report on the KAS Talent Empowerment Programme

Core Session 1

The Talent Empowerment Programme promises to serve as a dialogue and networking platform to enhance leadership and project management traits within the Civil Society Sector in Namibia and strengthen participant's personal and professional development through soft skills.

Great Kunene Leadership Training

The Great Kunene Leadership Training has for the past three years focused on capacitating and empowering the marginalized youth across the seven constituencies in the Kunene region to engage in local and regional initiatives with the objective to develop themselves and improve their future and most essentially, to think differently about tackling developmental challenges in their region and the betterment of the community and region at last.

Leadership Training

Workshop in the Omaheke region

A leadership training for regional decision makers.

Okankolo Workshop für Frauen aus ländlichen Gebieten

Ein Workshop, der vom Projekt Eine Welt ohne Hunger (EWoH) durchgeführt wurde

Der Workshop für Frauen aus den ländlichen Gebieten Namibias soll insbesondere Witwen, alleinerziehende Mütter und verheiratete Frauen über ihre Rechte informieren, welche in der namibischen Verfassung und anderen kodifizierten Gesetzen Namibias verankert sind.

Oukwanyama Ta (Weyulu Ya Hedimbi District) Workshop

A workshop conducted by the One World no Hunger (EWoH) Project

The intention of the workshop was to capacitate the traditional leaders with the necessary skills and relevant information.

Workshop für Wassermanagement

in der Omaheke Region

In dem Workshop soll das Bewusstsein für regionale Führung und die Rolle von Führung im Umgang mit Innovationen im Bereich der Wassertechnologie ermöglicht werden, um Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und zu fördern.

Together defeating COVID-19, Together thriving again

Together defeating COVID-19, Together thriving again