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ECSO Project Information Sessions and CSO Stakeholder Meetings

Second Round - Erongo

The ECSO project team will be hosting the second round of information sessions with selected CSOs participating in the Erongo region on 17 September in Swakopmund. The topic will cover the importance of Participatory Democracy and the role CSOs plays in this process. On 18 September the ECSO project team will then proceed with the second round of CSO meetings with selected participating CSOs in the project with the aim to further support their relationship building efforts with regional stakeholders to achieve their common goals. The project supported by the European Union and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in association with Womens Action for Development continues to make efforts to improve the sustainability of CSOs and their impact in their communities.

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Charlemaine Husselmann

Charlemaine Husselmann

Project Manager – EU Project (Strengthening the role of CSOs and Women in Namibia) +264 61 225-568 +264 61 225-678
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Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Namibia
Women’s Action for Development (WAD)