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Fake News, Disinformation, and automated Propaganda: How to protect the democratic discourse?

Space for this exclusive event is limited. Please, register at (not later than Monday, Dec. 11, at noon).This event is organized by KAS Washington.

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Are Russian, Chinese, and populist propaganda and fake news really threatening democracy? Are social bots and artificial intelligence changing the public discourse? What is the current state of scientific research on computational propaganda? How will opinion building and rational discourse be possible in the future? How can political parties, the institutions of representative government, and civil society be resilient against machine-driven manipulations?

These and other questions will be discussed by:

  • Aljoscha Burchardt, Researcher at the Language Technology Lab, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence

  • Geysha Gonzalez, Associate Director for the Eurasia Center, Atlantic Council

  • Andree Thieltges, Social Media Forensics Expert, Researcher for Political Data Science, Technical University Munich

  • Nico Lange, Director, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung USA

A light lunch will be served.

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KAS New York office


  • Aljoscha Burchardt
    • Geysha Gonzalez
      • Andree Thieltges
        • Nico Lange


          „It’s on us to rationalize the discourse!“
          Read now

          Dr. Stefan Friedrich


          Head of the Department Sub-Saharan Africa

 +49 30 26996-3491
          Social bots