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The UN Development Reform: A German Perspective

Dr. Sebastian Paust, Director of the Division "United Nations“ in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) spoke at a luncheon with German UN employees on November 7th about the UN Secretary-Generals reform initiatives, for he expressed the full support of his agency. The event was co-hosted by KAS New York Office and the Association of German Employees at International Organisations (VDBIO).

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The Konrad Adenauer Foundation (New York Office)
and the
Association of German employees in international organizations
(Working group New York)

German employees of international organizations cordially invite you to a midday round followed by a discussion

Dr. Sebastian Paust
Head of Unit United Nations, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development


The Reform Process of the United Nations in the
Development Cooperation: A German

Readabout this event here.


Thursday, November 8, 2018
from 12:15pm to 2:00pm

Light lunch will be served

Konrad Adenauer Foundation New York
220 East 42nd Street, Suite 3300
(The Daily News Building between 2nd and 3rd Avenues)

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Foundation Office New York


The UN Development Reform: A German Perspective
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